So use ‘several’ instead, not ‘we’, though I do think you are perhaps using ‘we’ to define the GD forum troll brigade.
In terms of Dyson, I don’t know him, but I did see some of his posting in the AG chat channel, and I can understand knowledgeminer’s POV. Though I am not going to insult him, as he does seem passionate…
Anyway to the matter in hand:
Not sure what the CODE / Miniluv are up to but they went on a mad ganking spree of many different ships the last couple of days. Perhaps you gankers when you have finished trolling of course can perhaps enlighten me on what that was about?
CCP has a long, deep dark relationship with Goons, who are ultimately CODE., which was Mittens’ tantrum response to the well-done balancing of exhumers, thus pissing all over Hulkageddon.
This is of no surprise. They didn’t earn the nickname CCPSwarm for nothing. Alex has more control over CCP than Hilmar does, he just pulls out the Unsub-CTA card when he doesn’t get his way.
You already have the moment you posted only to say how you disagree with everyone and how you flagged others. That’s on you.
My advice to you, use the flagging system by all means. That’s what it’s there for. But then shut up about it, because then you’re only asking for a fight.
DrysonBenning is then asking for it just like you are.
So when you and your friends are going out for drinks and someone asks you where youre going and you reply “oh, we are going to the local pub” , is your friend going to assume that every single person on the planet is joining you?
The term “we” literally just means a plural of more than one person.
It seems like a really stupid, petty thing to argue over, as if you, or he, couldnt find anything else objectionable.
If mittani and co. have so much control over ccp, why would they have allowed such a balancing in the first place? Seems like mutually exclusive things. What am I missing?
Its a conspiracy. And like all conspiracies, evidence against it means that they have just smartened up and are deliberately doing things in the opposite way to try to remove suspicions.
So the fact that things do not seem to be going in Goons favor is just a false flag operation. Hes deliberately doing this so that the next update, or the one after, will give him a major positive boost.
What about a person with schizophrenia? Can they say “we”? I know royalty can say “we” and they’re just one person. I wonder what a schizophrenic king might refer himself to. Ohh, and what about a schizophrenic king with a fleet of alts?
Wow, you peeps are super dense, get a freaking clue already. Guess I gotta spell it out for you. I’m referring to not debating the posting history of Dryson Bennington.
If you wanna tango with me, fine, I’m all up for it but you really should take your own advice and shut up yourselves.
Heh, pot calling kettle …
Dream on, you seriously need to lift that hood up so you can actually see what’s happening.
‘Several’ would be better and not indicate overwhelming support of your post. I am not arguing, you are arguing, I was merely suggesting more precision in your words. I don’t know people with thin skins and all.