i wasn’t asking for that for me. I actually support ganking. i was wondering if it could and should be done.
What is one even playing Eve for if the whole idea is not to be ‘better’ than everyone else ? What is even the point of having 100 billiion ISK if nobody knows you have it ? What’s the point of battles if they are not for winning and basking in the glory ?
Every game ever played is about ego. So get your massage oil out.
Factually incorrect.
The use of an absolute like every invalidates your argument as an inherent fallacy.
That’s how you play games. Other people have their own motivations and some are not about ego.
Don’t be silly. The very use of the word ‘motivation’ implies ego. Without ego there’s no point even getting up in the morning.
LOL wut. That’s a negative son. Learn to EVE kthx.
Nope, he’s got ya. This is why you should take more than just the 101 class in logic Modus ponens thanks you
White Knights are just better players.
- a person’s sense of self-esteem or self-importance.
So, not sure what that has to do with motivation.
A person can, in fact, have low self-esteem and /or low self-importance and still be motivated to do something.
LOL you already got your thread locked.
You can sit down now
He can’t though! Last I saw knight pieces were always in a standing position.
If speaking the truth gets your thread closed, then so be it.
LOL bro, you just suck at trolling.
Do better
Get a life, loser!
You go and try to pve in Uedama and tell us how it went!
Actually I did. I took a month long break from eve and I feel much better now.
Not like you losers whining and arguing all day about space pixels
Actually he had a very good idea. It would be nice to zee that implemented. You don’t have to shoot everyone down all the time, Dom.
Something tells me that you don’t actually feel any better. Might want to take another month off, then reassess.
- Never met this Dom dude
- I’d accuse you of being drac but you type too differently
- How’s mining been?
When was the last wall of text or book you read ?
I haven’t seen a book in years.
I’m not allowed to post what I prefer…
But it scares the heck out of Brisc.
Here’s a hint though: lashing masochists till they can’t sit down for several months is one of them.
Also just so as to stay on topic, Eve does not need things like truces. It needs all restrictions removed, Concord abolished and far far more chaos. Also nothing that even hints at pay to win, advance or any way for money from the real world to flow into or out of the game. Just total war always and forever.
Death to highsec being safe in any way shape or form, let the screaming begin and the ammunition flow. Let the shields collapse and the armor disintegrate. Let there be forced enrollment into faction warfare with all sides at each other’s throats. Let there be no war declarations needed and let bounties return with everyone having a wanted level equal to their net worth. Let Iceland invade Korea and let Korea hack the Chinese server wall and merge the two grids.
And while you are at it CCP, I would like breakfast in bed, and if it wouldn’t trouble you to much you could get off your volcanic butt and peel me a grape while fanning me with ostrich feathers.
Thank you, now hop to it.
/Me waits to be rebanned for offering to help Brisc.
The game could’ve avoided a lot of its contemporary “ideology” issues had this been a thing from the very beginning.
Imagine if WoW never had Alliance and Horde, and it just had “players” with the same open-world PvP style it already has. People would be complaining a lot about getting ganked, et cetera today. But because it’s “us versus them,” fighting is expected, and there’s a degree of solidarity in the mutual struggle.
If faction-based mandatory PvP existed from day one, carebearism probably would’ve never been a thing.
Mm that is a fair point. I am a fan of faction locking whole accounts tho
Like in NW faction hopping is a huge problem. It should be account locked and irreversible. It’d force commitment and make people invest LOL.
Try it sometime … braincells tend to have the capacity to regenerate.