o Your EVE Online story.
I have always been most interested in the PVP aspects of EVE Online. Ever since joining it was my goal to not only have fun, but also to help others learn about and experience the combat aspects of the game that many players try to avoid because they fear the unknown. By bringing PVP to risk adverse highsec players, I found that I could introduce combat and enrich the game. I encourage people that encounter me to pay more attention to EVE so that it is not just a program running on a second screen while they watch a movie or play something else. This was always my goal and I accomplish it every day that I am online.
o Your areas of expertise. In which areas of the game do you feel you are the most knowledgeable? What qualities set you apart from other candidates?
My kill record speaks for itself. I am an expert in highsec PVP. I understand the mechanics combat in highsec space better than almost any other player. No other candidate brings my wide range of ganking experiences to the CSM table. This perspective is not represented well by current CSM members or other candidates. The knowledge and experiences I offer will represent ganker interests AND help other players such as miners, explorers, and mission runners as well.
o Why are you applying for the CSM?
Highsec is the bulk of the player community in EVE. It is both the seeding ground for beginners and the EVE’s endgame content. However, highsec player interests are not well-represented by the CSM. I intend to bring focus to highsec to address the problem of a lack of non-repetitive content to keep player interest. I intend to work to expand options for PVE players and PVP players that call the space under CONCORD’s authority their home.
o What can players expect from you?
You can expect to see me apply my skills as a hero of highsec to lead the battle for a more fun and dynamic highsec environment that will keep you interested in the game. Your vote for me will finally give the CSM the voice of an under-represented, but critically important group of players. You can also expect to lose your ship if I find you and you are AFK.
o More information
A selected group of Highsec Elite Players are advising me at any time.