Getting bumped in a freight highsec should make the bumper flagged

When ships crash into each other, ships get damaged and explode. That’s the game. Learn to fly your ship, or stay docked.

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Now Im trying to imagine a busy Jita and trying to follow something like EDs dock and undocking protocols not to smash into a Ibis with a freighter.

And they only really have a green light and a red light.

Still would allude anyone who drives an Audi in real life though.

What is realistic about EvE?


You clip into eachother like in other MMOs.

Damage from bumping doesn’t work because you can not know who the offending party is.

Ahh just like you were playing a solo game.

You truly don’t belong here, I hope you are not spending RL cash.

He needs this lovely Star Citizen ship



How could you not know who the offending player is?

Youd need to for it to go on the KM.

Try think for a second before you post.

Holy hell, I cannot believe this thread is STILL going…

You can’t treat bumping as damage, b/c it’s very difficult to decide who the aggressor is, and who the victim is. Was one ship purposely trying to crash into another? Or was one ship just trying to get somewhere, and another ship got in the way?

As soon as you figure out a way to define who the victim is… players will immediately figure out a way to make themselves look like a victim so they can harvest your loot when you get yourself Concorded. They’ll park a Freighter just off the Jita undock, and let exiting ships crash into them. Then every ship that leaves the station will immediately get in trouble for crashing into the innocent Freighter just minding their own business. And all the scavengers will mop up the wreckage.

No, this is an absolutely shitty idea. Bumping does not cause damage b/c ships are protected by their shields. The ships rebound off each other, which may end up causing some delay in aligning. Strategically harnessing this delay is a perfectly valid form of tackling larger ships. The mechanics in place by the Devs are responsible for the delay, which means they intended for this to happen. And they have brought up resolutions in the past (mentioned a time or two above) and never implemented them. Which means they don’t want to fix the “problem” either. They are happy with Bumping as a mechanic.

So cry me a river, then build a bridge, and get the hell over it…


Explain then, genius.

Why wouldnt you know?

Do you actually have reasoning or are you just going to start repeating L2P again?

Yes it is, and I hope one day CCP listens to those clueless carebears and just implements it for the lulz. Let highsec burn, they actually ask for it!


He was AFK and on Auto Pilot :rofl:

But still he is ENTITLED to win 10v0 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


The server still knows who bumped him.

Even if he thinks it doesnt.

The point is that two ships bumped. Who was the “bumper” and who was the “bumpee”? How do you decide which one was the aggressor (to punish) and which was the victim (to save)? Do you punish them both equally?

Like I said above, once you decide how you’re going to label the victim, players will exploit it. They will park themselves in the way of traffic, and look like a victim, getting everyone else punished. If all it takes to get people killed is to park a Freighter sideways in front of the undock, that’s going to be the easiest gankfest in the history of Eve.

If you decide to punish them both, then people will go around gank bumping just to get other people in trouble.

Why are you telling me this?

Im not the one asking for it.

I mean this is only one example. If there is ever ANY form of mechanic added where some party could somehow become suspect without them having the safety on yellow and not actually having to push a button for it, no matter how complicated the rules are someone comes up with to “decide” what a bump was, people will find a way to abuse it to kill everything for free.

It would be the biggest buff to ganking since forever.

One can hardy imagine the amount of time people will invest to come up with a way to abuse this. Let’s be honest we have already seen all sorts of crazy things and the reward for pulling it of would be huge.

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No amount of explanation of anything will get through to you. We are not on the same level so it is too hard to discuss when I have to break everything down in detail to your level. I will save my energy on doing something more productive.

Isnt that convenient.

I guess we will never know if you knew what you were talking about or were just making up stuff as usual.

I guess we will leave that for the fans to decide.


If you don’t want to interact with other players, don’t undock.

If you don’t want to get ganked, fly cheap and use a high EHP ship.

If you don’t want to get bumped, don’t haul stuff.


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Good to see people keep posting the same stupid ideas typically after getting caught being stupid.