GM please close as Dracvlad is being a tool

Place = Spot for ganker shrills.

You made such a song and dance about mining other peoples moons in hisec while protected by CONCORD, you are a great player in your own mind, nothing more to say. That is a losing position…

PS Merry Christmas.

PPS At least I have a slight idea who the OP really is… ROFL Another ganker alt trying to be clever by creating dumb threads.


Do you mean shill? As in an accomplice and enthusiastic supporter of a con artist? Or do you really mean shrill? Like a high pitched voice or sound?
Because unlike ‘spot’ and ‘place’, those two words actually have fundamentally different meanings in English


Hey buddy, still waiting for those quotes from CCP when you find them. :smiley:

Oh I get it, this is the part where you’re very offended over being proven wrong, so you’re trying to change the subject and insult other people. Tsk tsk. Just admit you were wrong, and let go. :slight_smile:

:rofl: Rekt! Dracvlad is the type of person who you’ll find squatting in a tracksuit. Jussayin.

@Geo_Eclipse_Oksaras already provided an info link about it. Since you need to actually see Hilmar talk about it, watch the presentation ‘Eve Down Under 2019 - Beyond The Friendship Machine’.

Other than that, do your own research…

I am supposed to take lesson on the difference between place and spot from a Goon shrill. The two descriptions of shrill works well for Scipio and this other poster I replied to.

Place = Spot as deemed by ganker shrills…

Actually no, I just find that your one moment of fame on the Eve forums is pretty pathetic. You mined the moons of hisec miners and made out you were super cool or edgy, while you were protected by CONCORD and would not dare to do that in lowsec or where the moons I mine are, which are nullsec.

Place and Spot are different, you just can’t get it, again ganker shrills just try too hard as per normal.

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The off-topic link? lmao okay bud.

Meanwhile, you’re still wrong. :wink:

lmao, nice try little buddy, but since we’re talking about decloaking someone in a safe spot, this dodge doesn’t work. Jajajajajajajja. :rofl:

You bragged about mining the moons of hisec miners, how brave, I am in awe of your audacity.

Which is what I did, and the guy who was ganking people in Uedama and a certain link lowsec system used the exact same method I did, get better at Eve mate.

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Meanwhile, the claim that ships with the same warp speed create bookmarks in the exact same location is wrong.

Also, your other claims are also dubious at best: The likelihood of someone accidentally making a safe spot within 2km or even warping within 2km is basically 0. Even if they were trying to make the safe spot (ie, actively hunting a cloaked person), the chances are still basically zero.

You were just wrong, and trying to change the subject only makes you look like a pathetic boy. :slight_smile:

Place not location can you read dumbwit.

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Semantics won’t save you, little child. :wink:

Location is not place, you are dumb. Do you understand English?

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I would say it was a typo…

As for the meaning of spot and place, those can have different meanings depending on the context of how they’re used in the sentence.

For example: I’ll meet you in the same spot at that place we were at last night when the band took the stage


It’s so cute watching this cute little child trying to wiggle out of it. Meanwhile we’re talking about decloaking someone, so they would have to be the same… but now he tries to split hairs to save himself :rofl:

It is only dumbwits that want to quote out of context that go down that path. Absolutely spot on.


Heh, almost everything you post is off-topic…

mmkay buddy. I’ll respond when you have something important and worthy to say. Until then, :kiss:

In that thread I detailed what I did to decloak him, which included the details that I had to move to his exact spot over several days. Because you and people like you are looking for out of context quotes to attack people with you make youself look foolish.

I said place for a reason, Scipio is obviously unable to work out that place is not equal to spot and you are doing the same.


Irrelevant, this has nothing to do with anything I’ve said in this thread. Keep wiggling, child! :rofl:

Usually when people have to split hairs on semantics like this, they’re wrong and trying to get out on a loophole. :stuck_out_tongue:

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There was nothing out of context. Those were the very first words, in the very first response to the question asked by the OP in that thread. That was what you decided was the best thing to post as to why he was possibly decloaked.

When I asked in that thread about clarification, the first thing was to double down and confirm that “place” meant within 2 km:

You then tripled down on it when I couldn’t believe that:

So place, spot, location, etc. - use whatever word you like, but when asked about it, 2km is clear no matter what semantics are in play.

It was only after that, after other people thought that was a strange claim, that you started to clarify and it turned out, the guy you hunted wasn’t even cloaked for the parts that allowed you to hunt him (and what you did takes a lot of skill at the game. It’s a rare thing as is an example of really good gameplay).

So no, nothing that was in that thread 5 years ago, is out of context. It’s weird that you keep bringing it up, because it doesn’t change what you wrote.

Very weird discussion to be having all these years later (and I guess, it’ll be bought up again at some point in the future and we’ll go through this yet again).


He’s a toxic narcissist, so of course he can never admit being wrong, no matter how trivial, no matter how many years later. It would destabalize his schema too much.