Goonwaffe expand in to High-Sec Incursions please!

Brok Haslack

Nope, you are lying:
Which is typical of the faction that see Incursions as…

And the personal attacks begin.

Sorry Brok, but if I wasn’t done responding before I definitely am now. I wish you well, I truly do. I’ve enjoyed flying alongside you. I hope you find peace & that moving on to another community works out for you & them.

See you amongst the stars sometime, maybe.

Well, I can’t go back without endangering my safety.

And Kroaky knows.

And Council knows.

And they still won’t change.


Your ‘pretty words’ fix nothing.

i … just dont know where to begin … you have really lost the plot Bork … i have not said anything about you “turning on the community” to anybody so how is that "another oke lie ?? honestly , your not that important to me that i need to discuss you with others …
i have never called you a pathetic trouble maker in public … in private maybe , but i have had plenty of complaints about you from other people so im not the only one who doesnt like you …
in fact i have had very little to do with you apart from being one of 4 council members who replied to your mail in game and all gave you the same sort of answer … maybe mine was merely a little more blunt …
i wish you no ill will whatsoever , so anything you do , you do by your choice and its nothing to do with me !! i am certainly not a violent or vindictive person so despite your incredible imagination saying otherwise , i am not out to get you , i simply dont wish to play eve with you … thats my choice
i really think you should get your medications checked as you seem to be living in a real fantasy world where i am the biggest ,baddest boogie man in the world and your st george trying to slay the dragon … at first i was amused by all this … now i have to say that i am feeling more pity for you than humour

so please Bork … take a break from Eve for your own sake … maybe Hello Kitty or My Little Pony would be a better match for you

Yup, I can’t figure out why EVE is dying.

You know, punching your fellow Pilot in the mental-health injury, even if he is on the same team, and in doing so risking his life in the process…

Everyone in TDF knew that I had issues. Everyone in TDF knew that I was reliable too. Then Kroaky made his play.

Where is Council?

I know right?

I’m a tough old bugger thankfully, & am already rebuilding, but… Others aren’t.


Yeah, TDF is NOT safe to fly in. Much as my health is fine Kroaky clearly has major violence issues and should not be flown with. He played a move so low he would be facing court in the real world.


Which is where the CCP intervention needs to be.

High-Sec is where teh new kids show up. And teh first thing that happens is the old players wreck them, including driving them off the server entirely.

No, I just don’t understand why EVE is dying.

You might want to fix that.

As for Kroaky, well, he’ll play this on someone else. He’s done it to me twice, & I know he’s gone for another couple of pilots too. One day he’ll injure or kill someone, and then CCP will have to…

I know right.

Broadcast for Reps exists for a reason. Because we don’t want EVE Pilots showing up dead.

Apart from Kroaky, who is so cool he obviously doesn’t see that as a problem.


He’s not well.

And Ditanian is quite happy to leave him in play.


Broadcast for Reps is new. Much as I don’t need to ( the above is part salt part logic ) others might. And if it’s because their ‘new friends’ kicked them in the ‘head’ then…

This wasn’t my pod-goo on his bulk-head, this was proper “let’s hurt Brok”. And that is a line that CCP needs to re-enforce in some way. Crossing it is some big stuff.

You took away the wiggle space I needed. Like kicking a crutch out from under a cripple. And now you claim ‘no ill will’. Good luck with that one…


And you wonder why I am hoping the Gankers get in on the action here. High Sec is where the Newbs show up. How on earth did it get so bad that people like Fuhrer Oke are seen as ‘champions’?

Newbs won’t have the time or ISK ( real world cash to pay for it in reality ) to deal with something as bad as this.

Nope, I just can’t see why 60k players has dropped to 30k players [/sarcasm].


Kroaky thinks I’m ill. Yeah, ok, I do find that funny I must admit. It’s a long story for a Mental Health Forum there ( mis-diagnosis over the years, & mental health science etc ), but I ain’t the ill one.

And before anybody says anything it was pure luck that Kroaky didn’t hurt me badly ( a real world injury ). Disabled people & trust, & then a stab in the back like that…

I’m a tough old bugger, but others aren’t.

eeerrmmm Bork … please elaborate on what i actualy did to you , other than asking you to remove me from your mail-chain of ■■■■-fits , and telling you that TDF FC’s are allowed to ask for fitting changes’s to suit their fleet …
if that is all it takes to hurt you badly and risk doing a real world injury to you , then you definately need to get off the internet son , before something serious happens to you ( maybe i’ll send an electrical charge thru the internet to zap you next time you touch the keyboard !!! )

you get sadder by the day

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