Goonwaffe expand in to High-Sec Incursions please!

Dear Goonies,

If Goonwaffe were to do Incursions in High-Sec you’d generate 2 major things:

  1. Paying for teh blue-pass in Niarja & Uedama in a way so easy no-one would give a poop, and how that would fund your ships in Niarja & Uedama when you have your Friday Night fun. Incursion Runners like Bowheads, & don’t like Bomber Squadrons. You can even pop the mom at a select time to make it maximum chance of you catching someone, as moving day shows up 3 hrs before friday night fun-time ( for example ).

  2. A crowd to buy your Low-Sec loot, whilst also paying their tithe. Make sure you are disability-friendly, unlike most of the Incursion Groups in High-Sec, and… Even better.


2p deposited. You’d need an SRF for people, but that is easy enough to cover if you have people paying for the Blue-Box Pass.


I say this as a Pilot being squeezed out of Ditanian as I cannot keep up with Fleet due to my disability. I am about 1-2% slower than them, but like so many of the High-Sec snobs they see that as a crime against humanity or something. 28b in assets, 30m skill-points with it, & still they moan that I am not perfect enough.

I like to fly, I like to build my Incursion Fleet/Hangers, I’d love a Blue Pass in Niarja & Uedama, and… I feel these High Sec snobs do need a shake-up.

Oh, and 12 BS’s with Blasters in a 0.6 will make a mess of anyone not in the ‘Goonwaffe Incursion Corps’.

High Sec Incursions are a lot more reliable for ISK than Low-Sec ones. You simply fly to teh new focus & get ‘mining’. I’d advise Armor-tank, as you can stand & fight if someone tries to Gank you in Armor.


Have a Corp, with a Tax Rate set, and that’s both SRF AND Blue-box Tithe paid for. And I get the rest to fund my own projects, which is how I like it. I R Wormholer with my other toon.

I have no issue with paying for protection. Disabled people need support after all :slight_smile:


I’ll just leave this here for Goonwaffe to think about.


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The reason why people leave Incursions is because of what teh existing Fleets do. It’s why the Incursion thing is sinking like a stone ( numbers are down ).

They are so obsessed with site-time they’ll crush a player into a Doctrine so anal that it isn’t long before the player gets bored & leaves. You can only fly in circles in the same hull so many times before you lose the will to live.

The ban on missiles is because of competitions. You may only fly 2 competitions in 50 sites, but those 2 competitions are considered more important. That’s how stupid that one is. And yes, with Newbros around we do loose to missile fleets still. So the missile ban is just ridiculous. Or you could ban Newbros, which is… Just crap really.

So Pilots lose the will to live, & then leave.

If Goonwaffe charged 30% Tax on earnings for both Ship Replacement Fund AND a pass in Niarja & Uedama, with a more-relaxed doctrine with it, then you’d be laughing all the way to the bank. People wanting to tap incursions for their PvP ISK would flock to you, because of how it would be fun again.

I’m not kidding when I say that incursion dogma & doctrine ( guns only, 3 pirate hulls only, faster or leave, etc ) has strangled what Incursions were supposed to be ( a fun ISK supply ). Some of us don’t care if we lose a competition; we just want to fly, & get some ISK in, and make bad jokes on comms.

Like so many Pilots I just want to sit here, pew-pew sansha, earn some nice Iskies, fly with insurance, and NOT have some anal FC on my back making my game a misery because of a paltry 1-2% on his spread-sheet.

That’s why Pilots leave Incursions. The current Incursion Market is cornered by a bunch of prize idiots, and it needs breaking open again.

And you get 30% of the take if you do it. And a pilot, sitting there all day ‘mining’, can break 1b ISK in Bounties. Per pilot.

And we get TFI’s with Rapid Heavies, and other such fun ships, that are currently banned by the trash that have ruined Incursions for so many of us ( I’m not going to compliment them. Not after what they have just done to me ).


I look forward to, well, something fun happening again in the Incursion community. I’ll be docked up until then.

Incursions and other Bounties are falling for a reason. It’s because the players are pinned in by ultra-rich idiots, to the point where you just can’t have fun any more.

And I have no issue with paying protection money to get that Blue Pass & fun-factor back.


I advise Armor because if Goons get in on the High-Sec Incursion action then Test will come for us Incursion Runners on occasion. Armor Fleets often do best here in this PvP set-up, with minimal adjustment needed to teh normal PvE fit.

Test etc will also try to get control of Niarja & Uedama from you on occasion, so having that 30% come in regular as clockwork ( High Sec Incursions are this reliable for ISK ) is… Gonna be useful.


It just needs an FC or 2, and an SRF…


All I want is a nice simple & sleepy way to make ISK to pay for my PvP projects.



If your people in Null need a spare back-up ISK supply then a permanent Incursion Presence in High Sec will be rather useful to them. The Dedicated Incursion Alt is dead handy to have. I built Brok for a reason.

Which is why seeing Incursions being ruined by this awful doctrine is… It boggles my mind I have to say. It’s just so badly managed.

Save us Goonwaffe! :slight_smile:

For teh record I am a ship-builder/designer. I make VERY reliable fits. Armor ones.

I’m not well enough ( fast enough specifically ) to FC; but I work for the NHS in the UK, so can make adaptations to a hull for most disabled people & their normal fears & anxieties.

I can’t do that with a hugely-anal doctrine, and a bunch of FC’s into little Donnie Trump ( for example ).

Disabled Pilots are an asset. Because they will sit there & have a laugh for 2-3 hours, every day, on end. And you can get 30% of teh take if you help us.

Just like Janeway, not an appeal to God, but to the devil.

As a member of Pandemic Horde I feel that we should also have a High-Sec incursion group that has better benefits than what Goons offer. At the very least we should have an alternative to working with Goons to do High-Sec incursions.

the butthurt is strong in this one

tears there are

Ah, Kroaky, the man who punched me in the disability whilst yelling ‘git gud’. How novel. Apparently this is how the mighty fly…


It looks like Goons have said no, but…

20% return on fleet for 40b ISK up front in SRF is… ( obviously there will be no Niarja & Uedama pass now ). Plus you don’t have to worry about site times and people whining about a paltry 5m ISK per hour ( what Kroaky has been up to ).

I wonder if someone will bite.


Anyone biting will need to be able to jump us from Corp to Corp pretty quickly to be able dodge the War-decs.

Us? There are a few of us. Care Bears, who need a more-relaxed doctrine. We fly, you get paid, it’s nice & simple.

Yeah, the High-Sec Incursion Alt is a REALLY useful way to grind to get that ISK in should you need to dock up & recharge the wallet on your Low/Null main.

This post is more about disability inclusion, but the ‘science’ is good.

For disability inclusion you need the lower obsession with site times & ‘one size fits all’ doctrine.

For fun you need an FC/Leadership who are just not obsessed with competitions with other Incursion Fleets. So that Doctrine can be even less anal.


The current Incursion thing is cornered by some VERY rich people. And they do strong-arm the ‘you must fit in & compete’ agenda. And some of us can’t.

And some of us just don’t want to, as we are too busy making bad jokes on comms.

Incursions are shrinking for a reason.

Whoever breaks this market back open will get to see a nice return on their investment.


ISK is ISK, & EVE is EVE.

As an additional:

Incursions will generate 3 things for a High-Sec gank toon:

  1. ISK.

  2. LP’s.

  3. Concord Security Status.

I know right??

Get the balance right & you can fly in from Null, grind some ISK, buy some tags, do the odd aggression on a rival fleet, and then after a couple of months on your ‘Tour Of Duty’ you head back to wherever.

If you hate what High-Sec does you can hit it.

It’s no skin off of my nose, I’ll be in a budget fit doing something else :smiley:

Makes sense but what about the taxes that would be generated?

roflmfao your such a funny little man

This seems like a “continuation” of sorts of his previous thread:

Thought it is worth linking as it is relevant to this discussion as well.

The key issue is that I spent a year ( not 5 minutes, a year ) trying to be as reliable as possible. And was hanging in there & making friends on grid. I was usually only 1-2% out on performance, so I was doing pretty well.

Then Kroakly and said FC, in their infinite wisdom, decide to move the goal-posts.

I say “erm, I can’t do that without wiggle-space on fit” like I normally do. To which I am then called, amongst other unpleasantries, a ‘whiney little etc’. Oh, & my wiggle-space on fit was refused.

Kroaky is clearly on a power-trip. The fact he seems to be enjoying punching me in the health condition is… Proper Psychopathic.


Let’s put it this way, if content reliably gets this bad then EVE will die. Which isn’t in CCP’s interest. Or mine, as I like this game.

Hence my desire to get a new funder in, so that Kroakies little empire can be side-stepped & something better brought in.


For now I need to de-salt ( obviously ); but I would hope it obvious just quite how unpleasant Kroaky really is. And Kroaky is the man with the power. I’m just a pilot.

Oh, and when punched in the health condition I have to just sit there & take it apparently… Yeah, Kroaky ain’t right.


Such is EVE. Well, parts of EVE anyway.

Apparently you used to have 60k players, & now you’re down to 30k players.

Even with all of this Newbro effort.

As some older players say “weeee!” & kick in the newbs.

I know I’m only engineering AND medical, so clearly not a god, but I’m spotting a pattern here…

It takes a special kinda stupid to get so power-trip you strangle your own game…


Reminds me of Brexit :smiley:

why should the null sec guys do incursions in empire when anyone in a supercarrier can safely make over 200m in a wallet tick, it takes around 2 hours to do that in an incursion.

the only thing good about this is the potential incursion tears that ive been wanting to see but 60 other people cant be bothered with getting together to pop the mom for a short amount of time to see those tears.

don’t tell them that, they will fight back with saying We better spread out the players playing and more subs than ever before. which I still call bs on but ofcourse they cant show even 90k unique logons in 1 day.

And in this, we have all become farmers, chasers of ISK, while not everyone does chase exclusively ISK such as code they too are farmers, farming for a perfect killboard which they tout and brag about every chance they get, to mask the emptiness of their activities they role play some dungeons and dragons imaginary collective of “the conference elite” adding to the illusion of being important, but it only exist in that imaginary world in their mind.

There’s no point, never was, the only thing that can give meaning back is to find a group that people can become friends with, but, since eve has become 2 things, farm ISK and pad killboards it can only lead to pressures that shouldn’t exist in eve, getting kicked because either your in the way of the farming or hurting their killboards.

Welcome to the farm, now lay eggs.

first off … brock , i dont particularly like , but neither do i hate you , i mostly pity you as you seem to need the crutch of your disability ( hey , guess what ?? im on a disability pension too and i dont wave it about like a war banner !!) … i have mostly treated you with kid gloves due to your constant “i have a disabllity” whines

second , i fail to see how any disability in the real world is going to prevent you flying a particular fit in a video game !! seriously , you started in an apocalypse which is a known flat battery , so yes your going to have to have a cap transfer and cap buddy , or broadcast for cap … that has never been a problem for other players ( some with disability’s) so why is it for you ?? you were accepted on grid ,even with your “low stress fits” :read low dps …
yes , some FC’s gave you a little grief over them , because you became abusive and threatening when they asked you to change a few mods , but some of our fc’s just dont care and would let on grid with a harbinger if thats all you had

as to me being on a power trip … i took on council role reluctantly and would give it up in a flash if there were reliable replacements , but , i am just one of 7 council members , and funnily enough , THEY ALL HAVE THE SAME OPINION OF YOU … so its not just me mate

i think you need to have a good long think about yaself and maybe put aside the disability when ya log in … play the game , live the fantasy that your fully able rather than choose to make things unpleasant for everyone else

I’m medical, you are not, and the world is vast.

So you sir are an idiot. You are no expert on Disability.

As for your precious non-medical Council, enough said.

Just get over it.

As for the false allegation that I became abusive & threatening due to you bashing my health needs, well, welcome to the real world. Yes, I did threaten to grass you. after you bashed me first.

When it comes to abuse bashing someone’s health condition, whilst using the ‘snow-flake’ argument, is the height of Disability Abuse. If you were a bar in the UK you’d be facing a law suit by now.

Hence my attitude that your vile behaviour is not acceptable. I guess I am just civilised, and see this as a social game…


I can only assume that your mummy did not teach you to share at school.