Grim present, dark future


Basically he’s bait shipping them.

Most people aren’t expecting the golem to be actually PvP fit.


ohhh i c
bait is fine to
i do in a cruiser because I’m dirt poor :stuck_out_tongue:

Missile ships actually make good bait, like the drake and whatnot.

one of my weakness is that i never trained any missile skills

I started off as cal. Back then cal ships were the best mission ships in a sense.

I’m pure amarr
but i trained blasters to use the hecate
yesterday i bought 10 merlins , in the first one i notice why i like lasers more
now i have to blew them up

Berlins can be pretty fun.


OP is a pretentious clown.

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Tech 1 Cruisers are for real pilots.

Funny comment.
My experience shows that regardless of your ship, a similar composition of the enemy will fly to you.
I was on tengu, Loki, Praxis, Raven, Ishtar, the “duty team” always arrives and if a fight is not inevitable, then you need to be ready for it.
As for the Golem Slayers, we seem to be playing different games, I’m constantly fighting a superior opponent.
Perhaps you do not know the mechanics of the game, the fleet that flew to me is a counter setup for rocket ships. The Golem has only one option against such a fleet, MJD.
My tactic is to call an enemy of any strength into battle, to divide into parts and try to destroy in parts.


I know WHAT you’re doing. My point was that going “smaller ships is just rock,paper scissors it’s boring” while you do the exact same thing and be pretentious about it. Like you are in your reply.

You do nothing special, there’s nothing elaborate about it. In fact playing a Golem like that is far easier and less demanding than flying, say, a kiting Nomen.

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If you know everything then what is the pretentiousness of the comment: “would space be full of Golem killers you’d never fly one.”?
You know that battles take place with an opponent many times superior and declare that I am afraid to fight, it seems to me or the logic is violated.
About small ships. Disagree, some of my most interesting fights were on the Stratius, those were random encounters and my complaint is that these encounters are now like rain in the desert. They can happen but you won’t see them.
This is due to the fall of online and the concentration of players in large teams.
Do you always like yourself?
Can I see your main activity? There will be enough corporations, I’m interested in what a person does who is satisfied with the current situation in the game, maybe I’ll learn from your experience.

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Someone who always likes themselves is called a narcissist.

Your initial point was “I don’t fly small ships because that’s just boring rock, paper, sicssors. I fly golems, much better”. My point is that a Golem is pretty much the rock to most small gang’s scissors, because they lack the ability to deal with it. You KNOW that and that is why you FLY it and thus your initial remark is pretentious nonsense.

You have the right setup (a pvp fit golem) for a specific opponent (any random group apart from an actual fleet or a specific created counter). Clicking bastion and shooting stuff with torps isn’t exactly mad difficult either, as said: kiting in something like a navy omen takes more effort and understanding.

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Raven for me…though I suspect it may come out worse off against a Nightmare. Hard to say…they both can have similar EHP, though I think the Nightmare has potentially a lot more DPS.

the nightmare is IMO the coolest battleship in the game :smiley:
the afterburner bonus is SOOOOOO good for PVP

talking about ravens , one of the best kills i ever had in eve

i was on TNT at the time
learning some PVP , i disliked the null sec life …

one day two big fleets formed , i follow them in a punisher …
i just want to get a structure kill , to me it was a cool thing at the time

FC i s MAAAAD on cons , we will kill you if you get in the way (talking to us , in small ships , not in the fleets)

BUT BUT … i really wanted that kill , so i jumped don’t remember much i think 70 km from the strut , i had no knowledge about the ■■■■ they could do, my plan was to approach and give a shoot at the last minute

suddenly , the strut pointed me , web, start to firing torpedos … OMAGAAAAAD

i was so far away , the F was happening? i was freaking out , COMs laughing , DIE silently , they don’t cared about me at all

but my pu had a big tank and the torpedos do not apply well , sooooo i tried to take distance and scape the point , but it was useless , the point range was enormous

at the end i keep taking distance and fire for like 15 minutes while they finish the strut getting mocked by the coms in regular intervals (and now the bad turns into good)

yet , i don’t died , the strut fallen first , two BIIIIIIIIG fleets , i didn’t get the kill but i was alive , raven on DSCAM , i alerted on coms , RAVEN ON DSCAM , RAVEN ON DSCAM

FC says , don’t go after the raven , you have to be a big idiot to do it , they just had a big kill , they destroyed a 15 BIL loot that dropped after lol

im stubborn , lets pursue the raven YAAAAAYYYYYY

so i jumped like 4 jumps after it

and catched the dude in a gate … i hope he doesn’t have a neut … he don’t

so i pointed , DPS and orbit , as the strut did before he also cant apply damage well on my punisher

a long time passed and some t3 joined me and we got the kill

i posted the kill on the alliance channel , they started to cheer

-ITs the punisher dude

-ITs the punisher guy

-Good job

etc etc


so that wall of text is one of the best kills i ever had in eve :smiley:


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