Haemothaumaturgy - a test. Orlon Zashev and Alar Chakaid take note

Ordinarily, the ravings of Sani Sabik cultists and Blooder heretics would be beneath me but a loyal servant of Amarr notified me of the participation of two Praetoria officers in vile blood rites and grotesque evil.

I was shocked, naturally, and could hardly believe it.

Yet behold! Here we see a public admission of consorting with hexers and soliciting blood witchery!

Disturbing is not the least of it, but as I think on it, perhaps it’s not so surprising that Sarumites are involved in this heretical blood ritual. After all, there has always been, let us say, the waft of blooder tendencies among the sleazier element in the Sarum holdings.

Naturally, I have reported this disturbing and open heresy to the proper authorities.

I have the honor to be,


Aga-Count Chakaid of Kahah III,
Sa-Baron of Ves-Sefris, Zirsem V,
Colonel General of the 19th Royal Uhlans,
Plenipotentiary Representative of His Majesty Farokh Khanid III

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