As some of you already know, I have invoked the power of haemothaumaturgy, or “blood magic”, on two occasions, and much to my surprise, it appeared to have had an effect.
Once is coincidence, twice is suspicious.
So, in an effort to determine whether this ancient Takmahl mumbo jumbo actually does have an effect, I have decided to invoke it again. After discussion with several other capsuleers, including @Arsia_Elkin and @Aldrith_Shutaq , I have selected three test subjects.
These subjects are @Alar_Chakaid, @Orlon_Zashev, and King Farokh Khanid.
I hereby invoke the power of Haemothaumaturgy, and call upon the Sefrim to:
Inflict a plague of boils on Orlon Zashev, notorious slaver scoundrel and miscreant.
Inflict an embarrassing rash on Alar Chakaid, notorious malcontent and schemer.
Inflict terrible flatulence upon King Farokh Khanid, rogue monarch of the Khanid region.
If these three are afflicted thus, then I, for one, would consider it God’s judgement on them.
Dr. V. Valate, Professor of Archaeology and Daemonology, Kaztropolis University.