Hamburger menu missing hamburgers

Yes hi maybe this works for you but when I press “=” to bring up the hamburger menu, there are in fact no hamburgers or even hamburger toppings options. CCP Avalon please fix thank you


where did you get that

Bobs Burgers!
Just type : hamburger : << without the spaces.

is there a menu?

Click the smiley above where you enter your text. :space_invader: Watch out for aliens!


Don’t know… for me, there is a hamburger visible.


Well, he meant the “hamburger menu” on the upper right next to your portrait. :smile:

maybe it should be this



far less confusing. no implied hamburgers.

You made me crave for hamburgers after searching for an image.

you’re telling me!

Let’s go get some! Pick me up in your space van! We go to Space Burgers and have a Quafe with it.

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I’m down

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I get the hamburger, you must be doing it wrong.

Mine’s turned into pankakes!


Now you too can have the real menu (made for Tampermonkey):

// ==UserScript==
// @name         EVE Online Hamburger
// @namespace
// @version      0.1
// @description  Appropriate hamburger menu
// @author       Knossos
// @match*
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';

    var menu = $('#toggle-hamburger-menu');
    menu.css('background-image', 'url(');
    menu.css('background-size', '32px 32px');
    menu.css('background-repeat', 'no-repeat');
    menu.css('background-position', 'center center');
    menu.css('width', '32px');
    menu.css('height', '32px');

I have tampermonkey and this is my favorite post in eve-o

So crazy, it just might work. :facepalm:

If the three lines menu is called a hamburger menu because it resembles a hamburger, is the EVE “E” menu the pitchfork menu


lol that is such a pitchfork.