Hard Miners life

Alphas only have access to the Venture, and for good reasons: the economy.

Your comparison of “100 out of 500” combat ships doesn’t hold: those are racial hulls to begin with, and many of those have specific, specialist roles. You’d have to compare roles (like mining) with other roles (like scanning), for a direct comparison of numbers of available ships, and divide by race.

Training times are less easy to compare: requirements for a hull often include skills that also affect other hulls (in fact more often than not), meaning those skills are fairly general and beneficial overall. While the basic SP requirement for a hull is a baseline for comparison, the highly needed support skills to benefit from the new hull are always left out. You can indeed put a rookie in a Drake in a week, and he’s likely to lose it in under an hour, or be very frustrated with it because he “forgot” to train the weapon, fitting, drones, and tanking skills.

If you don’t want to commit by going omega, you’ll simply have to accept the line that ccp has drawn for this completely free demo status and be happy with the 20M SP you can toy with (out of a total of nearly 600M SP), while the rest of us pay subs and wrestle our way through all the options of how to play.

There is absolutely no danger of this game becoming just pewpew. Omegas mine their hearts out as well (ships don’t grow on planets). Many are “F1 monkeys” (myself included on occasion) who live in the nullsec lands regions of plenty (well, sort of) and who go out mining as well as blobbing and roflstomping, gate camping, bombing, bashing, expelling, and especially saving their rorqual (or other capital ship) buddies who find themselves in a pickle, etc etc.

Lastly, RMT sweatshops would be happy to fly procurers etc as well, on completely free alpha accounts. Oh yes they would.

Note added in edit: welcome to the forums after five years. There have been so many changes to mining in the past five years that it’s rather a surprise to be hearing from you only now, with a fresh forum alt. It’s also interesting you didn’t mention the Resource Wars, which was a permanent event for mining that was silently phased out (without ccp explanation). A revival of Resource Wars, with adjusted rewards to keep them popular would probably receive support from the (miner) player base.


1 billion ISK

Now what does that tell you? It is a pvp game.

Consider yourself lucky you get anything bigger than a venture, which you should be flying just now as Aiko , the Saviorete of High Sec, has announced this years venture hunt turkey shoot.

Also stop whining, you playing for free.

Hi Bexey, thanks for taking the time to respond. Of course, I do disagree with you but at least voters will be in no doubt about your views!

And your actual evidence for this claim is… ? Or is this just another of those ‘stats’ that people pluck out of thin air.

CCP have themselves stated that there was actually no measurable adverse effect. It’s also been shown in a pie chart ( its been quoted many times on this forum ) that only 1% of all noobs actually get ganked within their first 2 weeks.


I have anecdotal evidence that supports the complete opposite of your point of view:

The reason I joined the game as newbie in 2017 is exactly because that kind of ‘shoot the miner’ gameplay is possible anywhere in this game.

As a miner in the full loot PvP wilderness of RuneScape I always enjoyed the thrill of that kind of gameplay and I was pleasantly surprised to notice that this ‘gathering in a full loot PvP universe’ is the core gameplay loop in EVE online.

In fact, I was a bit disappointed that people never attacked me while mining in HS space despite all the talks about ‘gankers’, so I left HS two weeks in to try out NS.

Luckily in NS I did get killed while mining, multiple times even and I found the level of danger I was looking for. I stuck with the game ever since for 7 years now.


That’s Jesse Ventura…ex marine, WWF, actor ( he was in Predator ), former governor of Minnesota, conspiracy theorist, yada, yada, yada. But has never been one of these…

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I know why I don’t know him now. Thanks for the bio.

That’s because the Venture is the sole ship of its kind and my mining alt appreciates its uniqueness… and quick align time.

I was ganked and gate camped all within my first few weeks in Eve…and that cemented me staying in the game as I’d otherwise have left out of boredom. Sitting there watching a mining laser all day is far more likely to induce terminal apoplexy than being ganked. The latter stirs up a sense of wanting revenge…and thus the long road of skills to get that revenge.

And incidentally…2 years later I did get the revenge on the gate campers when a fleet I was in demolished a fleet from the same corp.



Let me tell you something karen…

I dont need to gank anyone…i just need to run them over with my mining fleet…


he/she or they have gotten mouthy …

Ganking doesnt enter my mind anymore unless they get especially rude and obnoxoius or hang around a few days.

The only thing responsible for players quitting is that players mental constitution and fortitude for playing a PvP game.
Get Rekt, suck it up, pull yourself up by your own bootstraps…or quit.
Cause just as in RL, no one is going to do it for you.


I got ganked on a gate somewhere in lowsec last night. Not one of the 17 people on the killmail offered to buy me dinner first. Quite rude tbh.

gf’s are soul food

There’s no ganking in Lowsec.
Ship destruction in Lowsec is called Tough Luck.



Agreed. Ganking is a hs activity. Shooting someone in a fashion as to draw attention from Concord. When you jump into lowsec for the first time you get that nice little pop up warning you. You sadly don’t get that by just logging in or undocking for the first time.

Somebody is triggered.

Whilst having a tantrum, you are in no position to give advise.

Actually , not my experience when I go fishing in my mining barge, catching an Ishtar here.


Then skill up into a combat ship and hunt down pirates. That’s what this game is for. Career paths and choices. I come here for the sandbox. I don’t expect people to kill me every single day, but I don’t expect complete safety either.

This game has everything anyone can want, but you have to know how to get it and you have to be willing to accept the rISK.

To quote, Q: “If you can’t take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed . It’s not safe out here. It’s wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross. But it’s not for the timid.”

I’m going to need the contract up for that :smiling_face:

When I undocked for the first time I was going to the career agents’ station in a Reaper, hardly a “blinged” ship, I had no implants ( didn’t know about them ) and was more busy taking everything in I was seeing ( in-space icons, overview, ship readouts… ) than to worry about getting ganked. Not only that but ganking me would have been griefing due to my age and the system being a rookie system so a warning isn’t necessary.
The lowsec popup is superfluous to me. It’s just yet another window that breaks immersion.

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Just so you know, I feel maggie-nificently wicked right now

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