Harrassement while mining by a random bumper

Your new and you’ve read other “MANY” posts about bumping and yet to proceed to waste everyone’s time with posting another one, prep to be bumped into Oblivion forever and ever

First welcome to EVE 2nd GTFO casual


All this talking about bumping makes me inspired to bring out my old make and see what happens!

Their profit is fun. You can not measure everything in terms of ISK and by doing so you are in fact dangerously approaching bot-aspirancy. Be careful!


Or perhaps the solution to an in game exploit should be removing that exploit. Sorry you can’t comprehend that, since you’re addicted to being toxic.

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This pathetic attitude, espoused by so called “elite” players, is what keeps Eve from growing as a game. Unlimited potential, hamstrung by sad lonely people who want to bother others without consequence.

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EVE doesn’t need to grow it needs proper coding and less useless features for stupid players.It also needs good developers who know the game mechanics not some clowns who haven’t a clue what x or y ship does.
We don’t need milions of players 30-40k on at any time will do.
As for ‘elite’ attitude it’s people like you who keep crying for the game to be dumbed down we did fine ages ago with no 3rd party tools no tutorials and none of you


Market your game to “stupid people”, like farmville and clash of clans, you’ll make millions.

Market your game to “smart people”, like… some random slightly successful game with a steep learning curve, let’s say “Dwarven Forttress”. Yay, you’ll make a bit of money for a couple years, and then spend the rest of your life saying “hey, I made something cool way back when!”

Market your game to everyone, tread the road never traveled inbetween the less and well traveled ones, create something unique, and nuture it, that’s how single games become genres.

Instead of Eve being another “sandbox” with a limited shelf life, it could evolve into a new genre of “simulated universe” type games. I want that, I want more. Do you want less?

Yes I want less of your kind


aaaaaaand this “simulated universe” will have open PVP. From the beginning, to the end. Get over it!

PvP has consequences. Bumping has none. Bumping is an exploit used by cowards to avoid real PvP. Get over it, pathetic coward hiding behind semantics.


Leave Eve alone, there are other games out there better suited for you.

lol, you have to be a very mean spirited little troll to accuse @Tipa_Riot of being toxic.



So what?

You probably dont think ninja looting is real aquisition either.

Alts are an exploit used to avoid the consequences of shitposting on the forums, post with your main you hypocrite.

Oh wait, if you’re who I think you are, your main was banned long ago for precisely the sort of posting you’re getting known for.


Toxic is as Toxic does.

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What infamous troll do you take me to be? I am only me. Whether it’s Warframe, Destiny, MNC, or something in between. My legacy is more subtle and meaningful than any troll who ever gets “banned”. I am The Smurph =)

BTW, I find it absolutely hilarious that you kids have your panties in a twist over being told to quit when you post that every day XD

Have you tried to get a mining permit for only 10mil ISK per year?


If that’s truly the case, it’s worse than I thought.

Seriously, go and play something that already caters to what you want from a game. It’s fairly obvious that you don’t like the kinds of game play that makes Eve as infamous as it is, which is fair enough.

Trying to change the very fundamentals of a game in order to cater to what you want, and to people with similar wants is simply not on; especially when that game universe is one of a hypercapitialistic dystopia. One where players are members of a very privileged, often ruthless, immortal elite (capsuleers), who are pretty much above any kind of law and order save having their “weapons” destroyed if they attack another without sanction in regions under the auspices of Concord; other than that anything goes.

This is the game, if you don’t like it there’s no shame in realising that it’s not for you and moving on.

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God, this convo just never dies, does it?

I don’t knock anyone here for any activity in-game that the game allows for, but Christ. There have to be almost as many Ganker Politics threads as AFK Cloaky ones at this point, and it’s aaaaaaaallllllll ttttthhhhheeee ssssaaaammmmeee.

Actual Miner / Pot Stirring Alt posts about being bumped/ganked.

Bump/gank players feel obliged to come in and ■■■■ talk.

Someone agrees with A.M./P.S.A…

Someone tells OP to leave or adapt.

Wannabe Wizened Vet states that EvE has always been PVP,(true) that it was intended to be,(true) and always will be. (Mmm. Tasty hope.)

Someone mentions a permit.

Someone starts personal attacks.

Someone starts post-trolling.

Personal attacks start to outweigh substantive discussion.

ISD cleans thread, warns posters.

Better than three weeks goes by.

Someone necros, specifically to continue the drama.

ISD locks thread.

Aren’t you all… bored of this yet?