★ Headhunters' public killright office ☠️

I’m not sure what a safety agent is, I just read more thoroughly through the ideal and it says not to advertise lifetime gankers, I hit a gate camp and they are -10 security so I didn’t think it was appropriate to post it here. Sorry I’m new, all I could see was the ISK profits lol. I like it when I see the ISK icon light up and ISK goes into my bank and I have more ISK. :money_with_wings: :moneybag:


Don’t worry about it. It is not that it is “forbidden”, it is simply pointless as anyone can already shoot them if they never repair their negative standings thus nobody will or even could buy their killrights as anyone can already shoot them without a killright activation.

hey here are my current kill rights ill keep everyone updated when it changes


Just make sure you make them all available for the public.

do you want me to list each kill right on a separate post


Don’t think necessary so your choice. Just mentioned that based on the picture not all of them are available for the public so unless you don’t care to sell those you might want to make them available too. Again your choice if you want to (try) sell them all or just specific ones.

Ok so do you want each killright as its own separate post or I can probably hop on Google Sheets and cook up a nice spreadsheet with helpful color coding (can use red for GRIEFERS and orange for GRIEFER ADJACENT etc) if you like? :drooling_face:

The spreadsheet seems better. You can leave out the color coding that stuff is not relevant to this thread so might be considered offtopic. :wink:

kill right 1

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kill right 2

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Well of course color coding is relevant, how else are we supposed to know who the REDS are? :face_with_peeking_eye:

kill right 3

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kill right 4

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Well if they are perma criminals then probably best if you delete them from the spreadsheet as nobody could buy those anyway.

kill right 5

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I’ve bought Arghhh’s killrights before and hes -10

Technically you can but nobody would pay for the KR of someone they already can shoot at least don’t see any reasonable chance someone doing that, maybe by mistake I guess but that seems unlikely as well.

You’d be surprised what people will pay for in Eve Online. :kissing_closed_eyes:



While staying on the topic of public killrights and in respect to Uriel along with the owner of the TTT last week, there would be many of us that currently hold killrights yet to be made public.

I am one of them, though I continue to fly under the radar making easy LS/HS isk!

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