★ Headhunters' public killright office ☠️

:stopwatch: This killright has expired thus is no longer available.

:dart: Target ~~https://evewho.com/character/2117941338~~
:spiral_calendar: Deadline 29 days left (from post date)
:credit_card: KR price 50 mil ISK

:stopwatch: This killright has expired thus is no longer available.

:dart: Target ~~https://evewho.com/character/2116148790~~
:spiral_calendar: Deadline 29 days left (from post date)
:credit_card: KR price 50 mil ISK

:stopwatch: This killright has expired thus is no longer available.

:dart: Target ~~https://evewho.com/character/2119185970~~
:spiral_calendar: Deadline 29 days left (from post date)
:credit_card: KR price 50 mil ISK

:stopwatch: This killright has expired thus is no longer available.

:dart: Target ~~https://evewho.com/character/2119067251~~
:spiral_calendar: Deadline 29 days left (from post date)
:credit_card: KR price 50 mil ISK

:boom: This target was killed using this killright thus the KR is no longer available.

:dart: Target ~~https://evewho.com/character/2118951313~~
:spiral_calendar: Deadline 29 days left (from post date)
:credit_card: KR price 50 mil ISK

:stopwatch: This killright has expired thus is no longer available.

:dart: Target ~~https://evewho.com/character/2118249806~~
:spiral_calendar: Deadline 29 days left (from post date)
:credit_card: KR price 50 mil ISK

:stopwatch: This killright has expired thus is no longer available.

:dart: Target ~~https://evewho.com/character/2119226655~~
:spiral_calendar: Deadline 29 days left (from post date)
:credit_card: KR price 50 mil ISK

:stopwatch: This killright has expired thus is no longer available.

:rocket: This killright has been paid for and activated but the target seem to have escaped thus the KR was still available until it expired.

:dart: Target ~~https://evewho.com/character/2118150958~~
:spiral_calendar: Deadline 29 days left (from post date)
:credit_card: KR price 50 mil ISK
:rocket: Escaped Three times
(The target successfully escaped this many times after someone paid for and activated their killright.)

With the ongoing 90% PvP loot drop event it is the perfect opportunity to hunt these targets if you are not into ganking or even as an aside. :wink:

:skull_and_crossbones: Killrights still available. :skull_and_crossbones:

How does someone find out where these players are? Other than zkill is it the locator agents?

Yes locator agents are the way to go, btw different level agents have different ranges and stats, you can read the details at Locator Agents - EVE University Wiki just keep in mind the target might be on the move and that if they sign off in space they will not show up as being docked somewhere (not entirely sure about if they are docked in a player structure) and if they are docked up they can be either online just docked or offline at the moment so actually finding them and having an opportunity to shoot them (after activating the killright) might require patience depending on what the target is doing (also including the fact what kind of ship they might be flying and if it is worth killing or not).

It can be a fun activity though I did hunt my own kr tragets several cases most times successfully when I saw them nearby and went after them and even when I did not succeeded it was a fun thing to do but patience might be indeed required and attempting it a later date might also be necessary if the target is currently not available for one reason or another. Good luck and good hunting! o/

:stopwatch: This killright has expired thus is no longer available.

:dart: Target ~~https://evewho.com/character/97205595~~
:spiral_calendar: Deadline 29 days left (from post date)
:credit_card: KR price 50 mil ISK

:stopwatch: This killright has expired thus is no longer available.

:dart: Target ~~https://evewho.com/character/96934080~~
:spiral_calendar: Deadline 29 days left (from post date)
:credit_card: KR price 50 mil ISK

:stopwatch: This killright has expired thus is no longer available.

:dart: Target ~~https://evewho.com/character/2116345195~~
:spiral_calendar: Deadline 29 days left (from post date)
:credit_card: KR price 50 mil ISK

:stopwatch: This killright has expired thus is no longer available.

:dart: Target ~~https://evewho.com/character/2119160117~~
:spiral_calendar: Deadline 29 days left (from post date)
:credit_card: KR price 50 mil ISK

:stopwatch: This killright has expired thus is no longer available.

:dart: Target ~~https://evewho.com/character/2119356632~~
:spiral_calendar: Deadline 29 days left (from post date)
:credit_card: KR price 50 mil ISK

:stopwatch: This killright has expired thus is no longer available.

:dart: Target ~~https://evewho.com/character/2113440703~~
:spiral_calendar: Deadline 29 days left (from post date)
:credit_card: KR price 50 mil ISK

:stopwatch: This killright has expired thus is no longer available.

:dart: Target ~~https://evewho.com/character/2119218950~~
:spiral_calendar: Deadline 29 days left (from post date)
:credit_card: KR price 50 mil ISK

:boom: This target was killed using this killright thus the KR is no longer available.

:dart: Target ~~https://evewho.com/character/2113154612~~
:spiral_calendar: Deadline 29 days left (from post date)
:credit_card: KR price 50 mil ISK