I go to nullsec everyday on carebear Indy alts with nothing but mining skills trained in Macks.
You know what happens to me while mining AFK For hours?
Nothing. Usually I do not even see a single person for literally hours upon hours.
Nullsec is FAR safer then Highsec. And anyone who says otherwise is lieing. Or an idiot. IN highsec you are likely to die if you step away from your keyboard for less then 30 seconds. In Nullsec, I have literally set my toon mining, and then left went to the store out to eat and came back hours later and it was still mining.
I do this ■■■■ just so when people like you post about how Highsec is safe and Nullsec is dangerous I can go… No it isn’t and your a lier.
Nullsec, at one point in time was dangerous.
In 2023 Nullsec is the new Highsec, simply because literally 100s of systems are empty and haven’t seen anyone even jump through them for weeks.
Highsec however, You can’t go through a gate, or mine literally anywhere without some bumper or ganker trying to kill you. Highsec IS the new Nullsec.
When your talking about retaining players for EvE, making the space New players start in More dangerous than End game Content (Nullsec). Only ensures that no new players stay in the game.
The BS in highsec is a problem. And those of you who don’t want to admit or face such are the reason the game is dieing.
So go ahead and keep fighting for practices and policies which are killing EvE. Sometiems you have to roll back the Toxic BS, to ensure the survival of the Game. And if players are not willing to do it, then CCP has to create mechanics which force them to, to ensure logevity and survival.
And personally… I’d rather lose the 30 ish % of Toxic players, Then continue to lose the 70+% of the rest of players and 90% of all New players.
Sure CCP has a Vision for EVE, and that Vision, is Killing the game.