It also fits easier. the joys of dessie and frig pvp. There is never enough grid or cpu. You get creative.
It helps with fitting too but I find that the Simulate feature helps a lot more.
You put 1 powerful module on and you’re done
That’s the joy of fitting a ship. So many combinations!
I go to nullsec everyday on carebear Indy alts with nothing but mining skills trained in Macks.
You know what happens to me while mining AFK For hours?
Nothing. Usually I do not even see a single person for literally hours upon hours.
Nullsec is FAR safer then Highsec. And anyone who says otherwise is lieing. Or an idiot. IN highsec you are likely to die if you step away from your keyboard for less then 30 seconds. In Nullsec, I have literally set my toon mining, and then left went to the store out to eat and came back hours later and it was still mining.
I do this ■■■■ just so when people like you post about how Highsec is safe and Nullsec is dangerous I can go… No it isn’t and your a lier.
Nullsec, at one point in time was dangerous.
In 2023 Nullsec is the new Highsec, simply because literally 100s of systems are empty and haven’t seen anyone even jump through them for weeks.
Highsec however, You can’t go through a gate, or mine literally anywhere without some bumper or ganker trying to kill you. Highsec IS the new Nullsec.
When your talking about retaining players for EvE, making the space New players start in More dangerous than End game Content (Nullsec). Only ensures that no new players stay in the game.
The BS in highsec is a problem. And those of you who don’t want to admit or face such are the reason the game is dieing.
So go ahead and keep fighting for practices and policies which are killing EvE. Sometiems you have to roll back the Toxic BS, to ensure the survival of the Game. And if players are not willing to do it, then CCP has to create mechanics which force them to, to ensure logevity and survival.
And personally… I’d rather lose the 30 ish % of Toxic players, Then continue to lose the 70+% of the rest of players and 90% of all New players.
Sure CCP has a Vision for EVE, and that Vision, is Killing the game.
So go live in nullsec, and you won’t need to worry about Highsec.
And who gets to decide who the “toxic” ones are? I suppose you’re bravely volunteering for the responsibility of creating the “list” so to say, Comrade Beria?
Yet another of your unprovable personal anecdote yarns…whilst there’s zero actual evidence that you have ever undocked. You’ve never even switched from the starter corp, so your Eve must have been really exciting for 4 years.
The reality is that there’s many places that you can mine in highsec while rarely, if ever, seeing a ganker. One of my alts spent months on end mining the huge asteroid belts ( some of the largest in Eve ) in Azerakish system. The belts are so large, hundreds of km across, that it is impossible for any random ganker to warp in within shooting range. And the system is so empty ( especially since Nocturne corporation left ) that you notice even one person showing up.
But hey, don’t let the actual facts get in the way of a good whiny yarn.
Sheer nonsense. I’m one of the most travelled people in Eve ( my yearly stats from CCP say so ). I regularly move my entire expensive fleet to new staging points…this includes 450m worth of unarmed logi ships…and I never got ganked doing so.
What’s more, you compare highsec with null, when everyone knows the real comparison is with lowsec, which is the real most dangerous area of Eve. I have a noob alt that got gate camped on their very first day in Eve…in Ahbazon. Oh, wait, I doubt you have ever been there.
But far from whining ’ Woe is me…I got gate camped as a 1 day old noob’, I treasure the loss as a trophy. It’s a killboard record that says ‘this person is not afraid to take risk’. I have another char with nothing but killboard records in lowsec. Not bad for a carebear like myself.
And the same goes for highsec ganking. My first char in Eve was ganked early on. Far from it making me feel like leaving Eve…it made me stay. It induced the same ‘I’ll show you all…’ stance that I have today, that got me out of doing solely mining.
I’d have long since left Eve from sheer boredom if all I ever did was mining. Indeed…I strongly suspect that more miners leave Eve from utter boredom and not moving on to combat activities than from ever being ganked !
NO list is required.
A toxic behavior by the human standard concerning Natural laws will suffice, Ie:
~ If you wonder into an Empire, which has laws against theft, robbery, and violence against innocents.
And you shoot someone for their stuff. Without authorization from said empire.
YOU are an Aberrant. An therefore Toxic.
Criminals make up 30% of society. Generally speaking in the First world at any rate. I do not find it surprising at all that this same number translates to the % of the population in EvE that terrorizes everyone else…
So finding these people is fairly easy. Look for the criminals.
Move a freighter through highsec with over 4 billion in it and see how many jumps you can go without getting ganked.
And please 400 Million ISK fleet? That’s not even remotely a good example to use as a defense. And from what I can tell they are all combat ships. Which generally (but are sometimes) are not targeted for ganks.
No, instead,
Tell me about how your 10 Billion ISK carrying Charon made it from Amarr to Jita without being ganked. Go ahead, I’ll wait.
Anyone who buys a ship that expensive deserves to be ganked.
Oh for God’s sake. Eve is a computer game…its all pixels. Next you’ll be telling me that en passant in chess is ‘toxic behaviour’…or that putting up hotels in Monopoly is ‘toxic behaviour’.
Really…the only toxic behaviour I see is your incessant trolling under an army of alts.
If you are not happy with Eve then the door is that ===> way…as I have not the slightest doubt that the single biggest thing putting people off Eve is the incessant whining of those such as yourself.
Poisoning the well…it is called.
You go first and show me where your 10 Billion ISK Charron did get ganked.
Really… Duripant more dangerous than losec/nullsec systems?
Do you even play the game?
In southern Amarr, and Khanid beyond, I hear tales of capsuleers who DRINK THE BLOOD OF MINERS and bathe in their tears.
And then what?
Citation required
@Aiko_Danuja Part of their religion or customs dating several hundred years I’m guessing. Not going to judge anything that arises passionate devotion in someone.
Wow…The OP is a serious whiner. And calling people “Psychopaths” for playing the game exactly as it’s designed to play shows a clear belief of entitlement and a lack of any kind of education. What the hell does he think will happen in Null Sec? And then to come here and try to “warn players”? Clearly some kind of screw ball…
I’d suggest leaving and try something more like “Dress Up Barbie” or some other kids game for guys 8-12 years of age…
I repeatedly flew billions in Dreadnought and other BPOs with my Mammoth (Cause at that time I wasn’t trained on BR or DST) through the iffy parts of Sinq and/or Uedama using Cloak/MWD. Wasn’t ganked a single time. If I am not sure about the next system and have no intel, I simply dock up, fire up a Corvette and have a looksee. It’s not rocket science.
If it seems risky, I simply wait it out and go do something else. Also timing your cargo hauls is paramount. I tend to use the times I know the US will not be online. That already eliminates half of my issues.
I’ve never been ganked either.
Perhaps not in Nulsec though there was that time in Lowsec Aunenen (0.4) Lonetrek