Hey just a general reminder to new players. Null sec corps are psychopaths. Ignore the nullsec nexus filments

I only use this character for posting this stuff actually.

Yes it is a computer game. One which is specifically designed to memic reality, and human social structures as well as economic ones.

Hence it is not unrealistic, to take the same approach to finding and labeling criminals in EvE, as RL. And in fact is completely in line with mechanics already in game.

If your only response to someone saying something you disagree with is to insult them, then tell them to quit… YOU are the problem.

As I’ve said before, all anyone needs to do to see I am 100% correct. IS, read these forums. It is blatantly obvious the method for resolving issues for you all is to Insult bully, harass, and tell people to quit.

The real problem, I think. Is you all have gotten used to not getting punched in the face when you run your mouth. Because you do it anonymously to a computer screen. I mean lets be real.

If CCP actually provided a way for players to respond to gankers, and kill you effectively, or prevented Criminals from entering stations docking etc etc. You all would get podded out of highsec by the rest of the player base.

But like running your mouth anonymously behind a computer screen. CCP has created a system where you can run your mouth in game (figuratively) without consequence in total safety, while terrorizing other people with absolute impunity (Ganking).

There’s a reason no one Bounty hunts anymore and no one tries to stop gankers You can’t. Sure you can scoute, etc etc, but that actually doesn’t work. Because they are just going to be logged off with a cloaky watching the gate and as soon as you jump in they are online attacking you.

Because those with Kill rights only undock for a gank. And if you make the kill right public, they just have an alt activate it and kill themselves. There is no point at all to this system since the changes to highsec and concord among others.

There is absolutely 0 defense, except to stop playing the game. Without another guarantied option at least to even fight back, that’s exactly what people do, leave.

I havn’t been ganked either, But I have ganked plenty of people. And from a gameplay perspective, the price of doing business is completely broken and unfair to the person being ganked. It’s not even remotely comparable. Nor balanced in any way shape or form.


All the crybabies should move to null sec where it’s apparently really safe.

They do.

It’s called ”posting with your main”

Is that why you post with your alt? Too afraid that someone would hunt you down in game and pod you?

They also provide killrights. But let’s face it, those are a joke and usually just backfire anyway.

That is exactly why I do not post with my main. You are 100% correct.

They do, I mean you should see English recruitment. All the Null Alliances are recruiting miners and Industrial people.

That would be considered assault in many countries, can be prosecuted and punished with a fine.
What was that you were saying about gankers and real-life criminals? If you advocate for forum members to be punched in the face for their opinions then you’re no better than the characters you profess to be superior to.
The mere fact that you post with your alt should be grounds to dismiss your babblings as a trollish attempt at best or as ignorant opinions of a game the jist of which you obviously don’t get but actually exist almost solely as entertainment business.
You complain about members of this forum yet you can’t be arsked to post with your main. What tells anyone that you’re not just another iteration of the same guy who seems so obsessed about EvE that he doesn’t play but keeps posting endless provoking nonsense on this forum?

Alts :roll_eyes:


Then what the hell is everyone crying about?

Haha, I’ve been playing for 3 weeks and even I know how delusional the OP is!

Not really…you insulted my intelligence first with a load of spurious blurb trying to bring RL ‘morality’ into a fantasy computer game. I mean, the other day I charged up a beach in Normandy and shot 400 Germans and tossed a hand grenade into a building. To the best of my knowledge the French authorities are not after me…as I was simply playing Medal Of Honour : Allied Assault.

Being ‘terrorized’ is a fundamental and important part of the game that prevents it becoming boring. You should enjoy the risk. It is what the game is all about. Plus there is a huge degree of hypocrisy in wanting to ‘play the game in peace’ whilst you transport 5bn ISK worth of war materials to Jita !


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