Hi I just started, why isn’t Eve the game I always imagined

OP in a nutshell:

"I am new to chess. I have some thoughts.

  • Why knights jump in an L shape? That is not how horses jump IRL, totally unrealistic.
  • The chess board is so limiting, make it bigger for more freedom, maybe add additional layers on top of the base board to make it 3D too, that is even more freedom.
  • How can I pass through other chess pieces with the knights? No horse can jump that high, makes no sense, not realistic at all.
  • Why can’t pawns kill stuff right next to them? Not realistic either.

I think chess developers can do better than this.
Thanks in advance.

Then wonders why people suggest he should play a different type of chess game than the standard version. Also calls them names and pretend he is some sort of victim. Also asks people not to respond to a thread in a public discussion forum claiming he only posts for the devs while he could just send an e-mail to them if that was the case.


OP clearly wanted an echo chamber for himself and you evil toxic people ruin his dreams. How uncivilized. :stuck_out_tongue: