Hi I just started, why isn’t Eve the game I always imagined

Elite Dangerous too, I understand the new DLC includes planetary stuff.

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yes, Walking In… oh Walking ON planets

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I just want multicrew.

In my pod. Giggity.


:slight_smile: thanks for thinking. Some people are aggressivley protective about this game. I think there are a lot of fanatics of the game. When I ask anything like above the answer always why are you playing this game then.(also ingame)
I don’t know , I like it but there is a feeling like smth. is missing. Why I m talking because , the game is good and I’m just trying to understand why they didn’t do some of these I have told. thats all. And if there is another game like I 've tought. Also I get an answer and watch the Elite Dangerous game play in youtube. So that’s ok. I will try it , it seems fine.

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That is correct. You have to remember there are players who have played this game for 17 years, and a lot have at least many years playing (including myself). For a lot of players EvE has become a lot more than just a game. It has become a hobby in which they have invested a lot of time and have grown real friendships.

When a new player comes to the forum and begins to write what is wrong about the game and “suggests” how the game should be, it is felt as an insult to them. It is insulting their pasion for the game, which isn’t just a game anymore. Those new players are not welcomed with hugs and kisses but told to ■■■■ off and find a better game if you can.

It’s harsh, but fair.


Yes you may be right in your site.
But I didn’t ask the question to anymember of the game.
I ask the questions for ccp.
And… If I had a game company I would like to hear these critisims. And I think CCP does too.
Nobody should be taken over my words.
And I hadn’t mean to insult anyone.
There will be always newbies in the game , there will be always questions. Nobody had born with eve in this life.
You are a fanatic of eve right then earn people who doesn’t like smth. in it. So ccp grows and eve gets better. Be nice and explain why it is not that way.

OK but this is a forum for a debate with other players not simply direct feedback.


Cant. There are other games that have what you look after tho. X series, Elite series, No mans sky, and few others.

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… because it is 100% a different game from 5 years ago. You could literally give it a different name.

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But this is not the best place to ask CCP questions because it is highly unlikely the will respon to your posts. If you want to give CCP feedback you better use the option to file a ticket via: https://support.eveonline.com/hc/en-us

What happened is a bit like you come to my house for the first time and tell me I should have different curtains and the colour of the carpets is all wrong and I should extend the livingroom.

As a new player coming here to critisize the game we love in the manner you did … you acted as if you know what’s best for the game ( and tehrefore also us).

I place the ball back in your court. You could have come here and started a discussion about the development of EvE and why certain parts of the game are as they are. You chose to come here and be unfriendly to our beloved game and we defend it.


Ohh my goodness!.. Well done to you then…
But for me the act is childish. That’s my opinion.
The Eve is not developed for the players just for 14 - 17 years played

That is your prerogative of course.

why cant the exotic dancer models be updated ?


EvE in contrast to E:D isn’t a space simulation. EvE space is made for people to interact and fight. So a lot mechanics ensure people will meet each other at choke points, and are not isolated too much. The space scenery is nice, but mostly static and decorative.


What? Anything youd want to do in your list you can do.

You clearly are new, you have tried nothing and are fresh out of ideas.

I want EvE but with Elite ship dynamics plx

OP in a nutshell:

"I am new to chess. I have some thoughts.

  • Why knights jump in an L shape? That is not how horses jump IRL, totally unrealistic.
  • The chess board is so limiting, make it bigger for more freedom, maybe add additional layers on top of the base board to make it 3D too, that is even more freedom.
  • How can I pass through other chess pieces with the knights? No horse can jump that high, makes no sense, not realistic at all.
  • Why can’t pawns kill stuff right next to them? Not realistic either.

I think chess developers can do better than this.
Thanks in advance.

Then wonders why people suggest he should play a different type of chess game than the standard version. Also calls them names and pretend he is some sort of victim. Also asks people not to respond to a thread in a public discussion forum claiming he only posts for the devs while he could just send an e-mail to them if that was the case.


OP clearly wanted an echo chamber for himself and you evil toxic people ruin his dreams. How uncivilized. :stuck_out_tongue:


Meaningless , sorry for you .

Correct. But none of your wierd criticisms stopped me from playing then either

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Please don’t, they too aged 17 years