Hi-Sec NPCs that aggress indiscriminately and offer no counterplay are toxic content

dont undock what you cant affort to lose !

I already addressed this in the main text. That logic doesn’t apply to industrials, at least not if you’re trying to make a profit.

Yes sir. They scrammed me immediately. Hence my complaint.

All of this info was in the main text.

that logic apllied to EVERYONE !


I must apologize. I came off really strong, and I’m being a massive jerk.

I’m sorry you lost your freighter. That is frustrating. And yes, the Trigs are way powerful, and it’s very surprising when they are looming on a gate, that you’ve passed through a dozen times before and they weren’t there.

But, the onus was still on you to pay attention.

As I said, I like this mechanic. It keeps me from becoming complacent in my gameplay, and I enjoy the thrill.

High sec, is a misnomer, and I blame CCP for that. They should make it clear that high security doesn’t = safe-space and that dangerous still lurk here.

I don’t agree with you that all hazards should be removed from highsec. That would make it even more boring.

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Then I think it is best if you avoid those Triglavian systems! Always make sure to check the pop-up warnings, and if you see Triglavians, then you should always take the other gate!

With helpful regards
-James Fuchs

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I appreciate your apology, I truly do. I wasn’t looking for a fight today, and I’m surprised what I wrote was so aggravating to you.

Regardless. I respect your viewpoint, and will take it into consideration in the future. I just discovered the “avoid Triglavian systems” option, which of course will be helpful in staying informed as circumstances change. And I’ve decided to try liquidating a bunch of skill points rather than giving up on the game just yet.

Even so. I do consider this mechanic to have more downsides than upsides, but I accept that this is likely due to my inexperience with the actual upsides. Perhaps, as I interact with the mechanic more, I will discover the same thrill as you.

We shall see.

I will say this, when those boxes pop up for tons of things, one becomes desensitized to them. So in a way, muscle memory and automatic clicking can happen.

Unfortunately, I don’t know of a better way to warn folks of the possibility of danger lurking on the other side of a gate.

Maybe instead of a popup, with tiny text, a massive banner streams across the screen that says


And you can’t proceed unless you type in the corresponding hazard. Such as “Triglavians” or “Pirates” or “Sansha” or whatever it may be?

You choose to ignore the warning CCP gives us all, by default, when entering a system under Trig control. You made a choice, and continued to go without wondering why it was there. If you had no warning box, then sometime in the past, you turned that warning off…still a player choice.

Just go fix your trig standings and you will be perfectly fine.

Why are you trying so hard to cling to something that most players have no problem dealing with.

Stop involving the community in an event that clearly you made happen because of your lack of research and just general knowledge of this games MASSIVE history.

We had an entire war that lasted like 2 years LOL. It was front page news.

I remember somewhere that in the US military there is a requirement (when doing promotion boards) that the candidate needs to be aware of current events across the globe. (Not sure tho) It would do you some good to stay in touch with EVE’s events because things appear to be changing every quarter (4 months).

Anyways OP just go fix your trig standings. Plenty of online guides to do it on Youtube/google. Shame you had to lose a freighter to learn this lesson the hard way. Most MINOR VICTORY systems are located in Caldari space so for the most part all of HS space is clear of gate camping trigs.

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I don’t think an interactive banner is necessary. After all, if you NEED to get through a gate really quickly, you shouldn’t have a warning sign slow you down.

However, it would be fairly easy to adjust the popup to the specific pilot trying to use the gate. All it needs to do is assess your standings toward the threat on the other side. If you’re personally not in danger, a normal popup would suffice (that you can of course disable in settings). If your standings make you a target, however, the popup should reflect that – dramatically. As I said, different color, different graphics, whatever. Something to make it stand out.

And you could also have a setting such as “Don’t jump into hostile systems” or something, as a backup, just in case. That way, if a player DOES enter such a system, it really is an informed decision and not the result of ignorance, negligence, or a mouse slip.

sure … this doesnt change anything ! youve still got a warning which said " maybe you die if you jump "
if you ignore this warning it doesnt care if it looks different !
you just try to search any ecxuses that you can find a reason others are guilty about your loss !

Some of the people who post here do so only to create misery in others and enjoy the schadenfreude. They are like forum gankers who just wait for someone to say something so they can call you stupid and watch you squirm around trying to explain yourself.

Stop trying to explain yourself. They understand perfectly well that the warning wasn’t sufficient for a returning player to know that they would die on the other side just like you and I do. But they want you to be more unhappy.

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Possibly, For NPC threats, sure.

But as a low sec pirate, you would be surprised the number of times I’ve blapped someone in low, and the target gets really mad -which is beside the point- and they demand to know why they were targeted. I tell them that it’s “low sec” it’s pvp extravaganza, and there was a warning pop up on the gate notifying you of the hazard. To which they say “I don’t read those!”

(Partially why I got really testy with you, sorry again)

So I don’t think that works against player capsuleers as the threat on the other side.

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What is this obsession you have with trying to claim that I’m making “others guilty for my loss”?

Is your reading comprehension really that bad? Nowhere, in this entire thread, have I claimed someone else was responsible or “guilty”. Only that such losses should be the result of a truly informed decision.

EDIT: And yes. If the popup was substantially different between actual danger and “potential” danger, then it wouldn’t get ignored. That’s the whole point. As is, the warnings do not convey the true threat.

But as a low sec pirate, you would be surprised the number of times I’ve blapped someone in low, and the target gets really mad -which is beside the point- and they demand to know why they were targeted. I tell them that it’s “low sec” it’s pvp extravaganza, and there was a warning pop up on the gate notifying you of the hazard. To which they say “I don’t read those!”

Oh, for sure. But low-sec is 30% of the game. That’s just something you have to get used to. Triglavian-occupied systems are very infrequent, AND bend the normal rules of security status. So they warrant a substantially different warning than an entire region of space.

EDIT: Also, I just generally think that the game should handle capsuleers and NPCs differently. Capsuleer threats don’t really need a warning – it’s PvP, and players can bend the rules within reason. But NPCs… this is the game screwing with you. And if the only way to reasonably understand the danger is to get blown up, then it creates a pretty negative player experience surrounding that mechanic. A bit more information, or a bit more counterplay, would go a long way toward fixing that.

I’d be more sympathetic if this was a system with a C729 that spawns trigs without warning. Trig minor victories are your own fault for ignoring the warning.

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How can that be? Carebears themselves wanted NPC gankers instead of players. Claimed that players are toxic but NPCs are healthy.


I remember the revolt over the trig scouting fleets in asteroid belts.

OP really needs a history lesson here because this is what the community wanted. (aka NPC kill fleets)

Don’t like gankers… Don’t like hostile NPCs who pose a real threat. SMH… If some people had it their way they would just farm in their safe zones 24/7.

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When you can’t be bothered to read a warning message and want to change the system to warn you about dangers, you are placing the blame on the game for your own mistake. There is nothing wrong with being mistaken btw, but when you insist that a game changes due to your own mistake, it sounds very entitled. Just take it as a lesson to read warnings more. (BTW there will be more need to be aware of your surroundings once Havoc expansion hits and normal hisec trade routes and a few trade hubs can be raided by pirates and players)


Skill issue.