High Sec and New Player Experience Are Tied - Make a change CCP

I know your feeling, but it’s fine this way.
In the end have we been telling people to fight back for years. Years!

This is the most emergent content we can get and the modern anti-ganking community is totally unlike the past one.

The short-term outlook is tears
… the long-term outlook is glorious!

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Agreed there, they actually like… do stuff!

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This IS no fun.

All that is wanted is excel with spaceships and on the other side the pew pew paradise,two sides that stand contrary as a solo playstyle,regardless the ‘fun’ of others.

So seperate the servers into pvp only and pve only.

Ideal solution.

And yes i MEAN pvp only,so no industry or roids or reprocesing on the pvp side.

Free ships? Awesome, this is getting better.

I am 200% behind this guy’s idea

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Wouldn’t that just be the test server then?


More like no ships…

Unless they see the light or leave.

Ganking and forced pvp has to stop here.

Maybe education about what would be without pve would teach at least some.

Then its not a PvP server.

Gotta have ships for a PvP server, havent you? If theres no market to PvP in.

Corvettes will do nicely.

They can change to the pve severside at anytime and see the light…pve side has no troubles like this.

So educate yourself and do pve or leave annoyed…that’ the only possible solution.

That’s kind of hypocritical, Balos. We want to share our PvP with you, but you don’t want to share your PvE with us.

I do, thats why I agree with your plan.

You dont think Im going to be on the PvP server do you? All the salvage contract and markets will be in the PvE server, thats the one for me.

Exactly,leave the anti pew pew faction alone and simply go away.

Are you trying to grief me out of the game? I’m pretty sure I can petition that.

You get that you cannot have pvp of any form on a pve server?

So no loot stealing,attacking anybody or even annoy?

Even bumping mineships lead to bans.

Well i guess you don’t get what a pve server would mean…

Lots of throwaway alts on proxy accounts?

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Thats fine. If you are proposing changed to salvage legality then you need to make sure to explain what that is iin detail, but yeah Ill probably agree with it.

Just make it so you cant collide, and just clip through, itll be fine and bumping will be gone.

Why? I agree with all your proposals above, what am I not getting?

Fleets of hulks stripping belt after belt. Minerals at 0.01 ISK. Everyone running missions in blinged out (well as blinged out as finances allow) faction battleships. Howls of outrage as Trig (and Drifter and Rogue Drone) gate camps annihilate the afore mentioned blinged ships.

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Nah leave those PvE entities on the PvP server where they belong, new players and peaceful miners should not be having to deal with that sort of thing.

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Yes, and how it is because of “a loss must mean something” which is presented in every argument when talking about making everything cheaper. The average PvPler will be happy only if they see fat ZKill entry.

Everyone will be happy! no one has to care what happens on the PvP server or what rules it has because we will be on the PvE server enjoying the market, salvaging, exploring, mining, industry and invention, the things that are best in EvE, none of which are needed any longer on the PvP server.

What about market PvP?
And what about mining asteroids that other people cannot mine because of you?
What if I have found a relic site and someone got there before me?

What is your proposal to get PvP out of those situations?