High Sec Candidate

By all means criticise the CONCORD proposal itself, I did, I said above that I could not agree to it being 1 second to 48 seconds, but that I would be happy to have it as for example in a 0.5 system + / - 8 seconds. This is the chance based adjustment that the OP has suggested and which got turned into something else by you among a number of others.

The OP’s comment was that they had been a victim of a couple of ganks and the success rate was 100% and that they thought it better to be closer to 50% This is obviously aimed at ganking balance as a whole. You and others like you have turned it into a chance based mechanic to give a 50% chance of surviving a gank.

I am currently allied on a war dec with CODE and I just reinforced one of their structures in Niarja. So tell me again that I am not actually doing anything, ROFLMAO.

But by all means continue your very effective hunting of hauler and DST or miner gankers, and I will be cheering you on for that at least. :slight_smile:

I have come to the conclusion that you are in fact meta gaming AG, I do not believe you are actually interested in what AG really is, as Eve is a game of non-linked accounts there is no way to tell who you may actually be, but your attitude has betrayed you, if I was a betting man Linus Gorp stands out as my first choice. But in any case as far as I am concerned you are ganker aligned. That is my opinion after having been in one of your channels, your aggressive attitude in the AG channels and seeing you post on the forums, but this chance mechanic question above sealed it for me.

And many AG feel the same way, the number that have you blocked is quite staggering actually.

The important part is that the main value of AG is in fact the intel channel, the lower the number of people who are acting as AG and reporting intel the better it is for the gankers, so if you can drive out people who are willing to give intel while having fun doing stuff then you win.

All what I have said about your dishonest posting in this thread is true, any one with a brain can see that.