High Sec Candidate

This is the exact same guy that immediately afterwards asked his other thread to be closed saying this:

Truly (more) gold.

I’ve updated the walkthrough post in the other thread to illustrate how Dracvlad would try to seize this thread, attacking players with completely off-topic, made up, and uncalled for stuff, just like he did here, only to later accuse them of trolling for replying to him.

EDIT: I knew he had posted both quotes above at about the same time, but wasn’t sure which one was first, so initially I said “at the same time”. Correction made to take into consideration the comment he made about how pathetic I was :rofl: for saying they happened at the same time, and make it clear that he had posted here first.

Now, note that he could have used the very thread he had supposedly created himself precisely for this stuff. But no, what he did instead is use this thread (the thread he keeps saying I and others are trolling) to tell me a bunch of completely off-topic, made up, and uncalled for nonsense, only to immediately afterwards say he wanted the other thread closed because he wasn’t interested anymore in doing what he had just done…

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: