I would be embarrassed if you voted for me.
I will probably vote for everyone but you, since everyone else was at least willing to articulate their ideas instead of getting a weird carebear attitude when asked a simple question.
As long as you vote I will be happy.
Noone else had already been talking about ideas for 600 posts when you asked… if you did ask in other threads.
I am the other way around, I am reading most threads, in part to see who I will vote for myself.
Me too!
Voting for oneself is important!
Ok that was a funny selective quote that I made.
It’s nearly 2 am here… so I find some things funny that I would not normally find funny.
Imagine how surprised I was when I once got warned and found out that a couple of candidates were stealing my ideas. I don’t also want to deal with people coming in here and claiming I am stealing other people’s ideas or platforms.
I already have enough to deal with!
But anyway… the most important thing is that people vote.
So, a funny thing happened to me.
I spontaneously did a Talking in Stations interview.
The last interview I did was CAP STABLE back for CSM X.
The opportunity for this interview came up spontaneously. I could have talked for longer about some stuff…
But I am grateful that I got to be able to do it.
[The Names Have Been Changed To Protect The Innocent]
Re: Re: CSM13… and now CSM14
From: Rafiki
Sent: 2019.06.07 16:21
To: Lorelei Ierendi,
hi, i just saw today on twitter that talking in stations were trying to contact you for an interview. don’t you wanna try to do it?
fly safe
FW: Re: Re: CSM13… and now CSM14
From: Lorelei Ierendi
Sent: 2019.06.07 22:28
To: TiS
Is this message I got true, and still relevant?
At the moment I can only be contacted through EVEmail or gmail
CSM Candidate Me @googlemail.com
Re: FW: Re: Re: CSM13… and now CSM14
From: TiS
Sent: 2019.06.07 22:27
To: Lorelei Ierendi,
Yeah if you want to interview it has to be right away. All out interviews were supposed to be published by SAT (tomorrow).
Good luck.
And actually… without really thinking about it…
I just noticed… I did not really talk about ganking.
So many more important things in high sec.
But well… I guess I should not say much more here… otherwise the “50% Snowflakes” (as we call them) will run out of steam.
EDIT Time for bed.
Seeing how the OP has barely learnt anything here, I fully expect all this nonsense to keep happening every now and then in the coming years as long as she keeps running for the CSM, so I’m gonna leave a TL;DR version here to try to help others waste less of their time the next time it happens.
At the root of all the nonsense that happened here is this:
which everybody that has some understanding about the game knows is absolutely impossible to achieve without introducing suicide ganking chance based mechanics.
Now, this is what you may expect to happen if you try to explain this to her:
When she says the chance of surviving a gank is currently lower than 50% (she goes as far as saying “in her experience” it’s 0%, or 100% death) she’s implicitly considering the gank starts when the gankers land and start shooting. She won’t realise nor understand she’s implicitly assuming this, no matter how hard you try to explain it to her.
She uses #1 to justify wanting to change something about suicide ganking that would increase the chance of surviving a gank to 50% at least. But when you see her say this, you’re supposed to understand she’s now talking about something else, namely that the gank now begins at some unspecified point in time prior to the gankers landing. You’re also supposed to do like her and completely ignore the fact that, if you move the point at which the gank starts away from the gankers landing, then the chance of surviving a gank is WAY higher than 50% already and hence wanting to change anything to make it 50% at least makes no sense at all…
She did nothing wrong and there is no need for her to change anything. That’s only a small part of her proposal anyway and you’re supposed to simply focus on something else instead when you read it. You’re a “50% snowflake” for focusing on the part that’s so blatantly wrong when you could have simply ignored it.
Whatever lack of information or clarity you may appreciate in the proposal or in her replies is all your fault as well for not looking it up deeply buried elsewhere. She won’t repeat here the relevant parts nor provide a direct link to them, just tell you that she has already said elsewhere whatever it is that you don’t understand about what it is exactly that she means.
There is A LOT more nonsense buried in the many posts in this thread. I encourage anyone interested to go read them, but this should at least help those who care to not miserably waste their time repeating it all again…
Thank you for posting your summary. I was dreading trying to summarise this thread for the blog entry. I am going to mail the link to myself so I can find it later… amongst all the white noise.
I hope that you have bookmarked it, so that you can link it to people next year.
I invite everyone to post their own summaries of my CSM Campaign thread this year!
I learnt a lot here.
I have been saying this since I started campaigning for the CSM at all. And I expect I will carry on saying this… unless something comes up that makes me see this as unreasonable. And no getting trolled through about 650 posts in a Forum Thread is not going to make me see that it is unreasonable.
So I am going to go through the list point by point, and do a condensed version on the blog for the write-up of the after campaign analysis…
In my opinion the problem that happened here in this thread, and why it exploded so badly, is that I was much too impatient with the “pro-ganking” crowd. In the campaign thread for CSMX… back before I got fed up with the gankers coming into my threads and trolling me, there was some interesting discussion about the gank success thing. There was also interesting discussion about defining a gank, or when it starts, and what can practically be done to improve things. The possibilities of discussion got worse over the years, probably as many of the older gankers that were driving it got fed up and quit eve.
I expect in the future I will use my opening post to include more links to blog entries that explicitly talk about what I am meaning (even if people are misunderstanding what I am saying (either accidentally or deliberately) or if I am using the wrong words…
You are actually supposed to not jump in the middle of a discussion. Like I said above… (and in the OP) I am not really interested in saying again everything that has been said before. And as I have said again and again, anyone actually bothering to check out all the forums, is interested enough to actually vote. And people actually voting, for anyone, is the main thing I have been about for a couple of years. You wouldn’t know it by reading this thread… but I don’t need to emphasize it in this thread… because anyone reading this thread is already probably going to vote.
I don’t think the term “50% Snowflake” has fallen in this thread yet. I think I shall adopt it and use it.
there is no need for her to change anything
Everyone (and by everyone I mean “nearly everyone” assumes that the CSM are there to tell CCP what to do. I have even talked to Candidates in the past that have produced pages of module designs that they want to get CCP to implement.
I have provided links several times.
But the ideas develop themselves in discussions. If anyone is interested, then they should read them.
The 50% thing is now in its fifth year. It’s always interesting when people that have been playing the game for longer suddenly notice and start commenting about it. Why is the thread this year so, when I have been saying the same things, and acting the same for the last few years?
I am sure that the principle was just as stupid/brilliant (delete as appropriate) back then as it is now.
But anyone already coming this far into the forums is already going to vote. And getting people to vote is my number one concern.
That is very true.
Every day, I find myself hoping more and more, that people are going to hold to their promises to leave my thread.
Was it you who said the following just a couple posts ago? Or was it someone else?
FWIW, I for one never said I would leave this thread. In fact, I promise I won’t as long as I think I may help others not be fooled by it.
I know.
Maybe we get to 750!
Nothing here from me is fooling anyone about anything.
That is all the noise that some others are generating.
So sad.
That was me.
The quote originated in a discord chat.
Once again they had to stop me talking.
There was lots of stuff to talk about, high sec and so on.
And pretty much none of it was ganking…
Being busy repairing a friend’s notebook.
I didn’t forget about you.
Can you imagine, the last ■■■■■■■ screw of the cpu cooler on the motherboard doesn’t budge at all and it’s the most important one, because it keeps the fan module in place. That fan is covered in dust and using a blowspraycan (that’s a word now) doesn’t help enough.
On topic:
Is there a transcript of the podcast?
I can feel your pain.
My laptop survived the vacuum cleaner.
Here are links to the interviews, that are now up online.
About a transcript… not that I am aware of.
Du bist Deutschland?
The single best german propaganda video ever, btw.
No, I just live and work here.