High Sec Candidate

Then provide FAQ with comprehensive answers. After all you get similar questions year after year… you should have one ready by now,

I am considering doing something like that, some blog posts summing up the discussions.

Voted for you as my Premier, darling. Let’s hope we win!

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Voted for you, good luck.


Thank you!
I hope that you have motivated all your friends to vote in the elections too… whoever they want to vote for!

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I am looking forward to seeing the data of the voting. See if my prediction came true!!

If not this year, then next year!

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Having been flying around New Eden, primarily in null and hisec, for around 8 years in one guise or another, it’s a little disappointing seeing some people giving you such a hard time over figurative speech and semantics. I know there’s a large degree of Autism in Eve :grin: (I’m on the spectum myself), but we’re all a single community and it’s a pity to see. Anyway…

What’s your take on the structure spam in high sec? To me, it’s gotten a little out of hand and needs a some serious reining in - perhaps with a lot more competition for 0.5+ space.

On a similar tack, it’s not uncommon to see high tax, hisec POCO’s, in system after system, owned by the same corp. Frustrating for the carebears and newbeans. The problem I have is, with the recent war dec’ changes, unless small (and currenty non-war eligible) corps invest in, what for some, is a large sum in structures, they are powerless to do anything. I know the war dec’ system is a work in progress, but it’s a bone of contention for me. There should be a mechanism whereby structures like POCO’s can be contested without the potentially prohibitive costs thrust up small or ‘one-man’ corps. The war dec changes have moved a little too far to the other side of the line for me. I hope that changes.

I’ve never really bothered with the CSM before, but having followed it a little closer recently, I’m of the mind that the way it’s structured needs an overhaul. It needs to be brought just a little further into the 21st century and become somewhat more progressive.

Lastly, another thing that bugs the heck out of me. A 2 day timer on mobile depots? Grrrr. 6-12 hours would be reasonable.

Anyway, I wish you well as, imo, the CSM could do with some feminine logic to set it straight once in a while :laughing:

(Disclaimer: The above are my opinions. As I always say… Everyone has a right to an opinion, but having an opinion does not necessarily make you right).


Thank you for stopping by my thread!

I thought after the last few years that I was used to it… but this year surprised me.

I mentioned a (very) few words about this in one of the interviews. I don’t like it. Not sure how one could make it better. At the moment, only the structures that can be docked in or are “on grid” show up on my overview… what about if only structures that were “fueled and online” showed up?

Competition for space is player driven. If more carebear wanted 0.5 space then there would probably just be more citadel spam. Having POS limited to one per moon kept the numbers in check, and they only showed on the OVERVIEW if you were on grid with them. I don’t think that high sec groups will ever be motivated or organised enough to compete, especially with the more organised people from null that are using the more interesting aspects of high sec citadels.

Maybe tweaking the war decs with regard to citadel defences might motivate more of us to be a bit more competitive. At the moment the effort involved in taking a citadel out, that is afk, inactive and not used is quite extreme for us.

The corporation that has all those POCOs has powerful friends in null sec. Have you tried (before the wardec changes) declaring war and taking out one of them?

Definitely. It is one of the things that eyes are on. CCP have also said they are working on it!

I think, as I have often said, that as many of the people should be involved in voting as possible. Spread the word!


Again, your answers show that you are the ideal candidate Lorelei. I hope you win.


You seem to be attracting the disapproval of trolls, pedants and obsessives and therefore get my vote


Good luck downing those pocos. If you think they belong to small corp then think again…

Oh man. You are so wrong with this one. It is not null that they are “friends” with. But I am under no obligation to tell who is “friend” with whom.

Thank you!

I listened to my TiS Interview with someone that knows me IRL, and they could not stop laughing. Apparently I only got into my flow near the end.
Serves me right for spontaneously doing interviews at 1am!


You are right, thank you for voting to me.

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You have better information?

Look… the “powerful friends in null sec” thing is a meme amongst us carebears.

It does not literally mean that the corporation owning the pocos is literally befriended with powerful people in null sec… But then I was not talking to you.

No you are not. And I am not interested.
But thank you for bringing this up in my thread.


So I have been getting some mail from people that are voting, have voted and so on. I will include a couple in the thread for posterity!

Edit: I am not going to spam my own forums with messages that say that people have voted for me, I will just take a couple that have either opened my mind, or proved to me a point.

I guess the time I spent seeding some gates and stations with secure containers has paid off.
I never really appreciated that people actually read those things, until people started talking to me about the ones I was leaving out there.
I got a lot more streamlined this year, and pretty much just did the possible systems on the pipes between the hubs.

Best of luck in the Election
From: just another carebear
Sent: 2019.06.11 17:19
To: Lorelei Ierendi,

I hope you get a spot on the CSM.

Returning to Eve after two years, I wasn’t even sure I was going to subscribe. There is a lot I love and some things I really don’t.

Saw the ads floating around gates about the election, and thought I’d at least take a look. A lot of the same old people, Goons and all. Almost closed it, but read your bit advocating for many of the things I’ve wanted for years. Had to support that.

Resubscribed and voted for you. Anything I can to to help, let me know.

from just another carebear

One of the most throughtful and constructive feedback mails I have had to date.
I will post my response as well.

CSM 14 Voting
From: A Missioner
Sent: 2019.06.10 23:46
To: Lorelei Ierendi,


Just wanted to send you, and everyone else I voted for, an EVE-mail. A small player’s viewpoint, so to speak.

For the record, I voted this way:
1: Lorelei Ierendi
2: Mike Azariah
3: Steve Ronuken
4: Matthew Dust
5: Anveri Vestigo
6: Olmeca Gold
7: Matterall

So, I want to be honest with you. Also, I want to apologize in advance for the roughness of the following.

I feel you should be my third choice. You are a bit “green” in regards to many topics that will be covered in CSM meetings. Your ideas on ganking, while I don’t like it happening either, are worrisome. I do feel your views and green-ness will be tempered by interactions in CSM meetings. However placing you third, with Mike and Steve above you, feels like you wouldn’t be getting a vote from me at all.

On to the good stuff!

You are the sole candidate with an eye directly on Mission Running. I happen to enjoy doing so as well, among other activities. The last real look missions have gotten was the addition of Anomics. There remains several issues with missioning, and the missions themselves. My hope is, by being focused on them, you see the issues as well and will work towards them being remedied!

CSM voting has resulted in Nullsec having too much sway, leading into their playstyle. You, as a missioner, understand there is a way to play without a PvP only focus.

For both above reasons, I feel you need to be on the CSM this year. Good luck on the voting!

A Missioner,

my quick reply… I am planning to go more in depth at a later date… but I didnt want to wait before responding to such thoughtful feedback.

Re: CSM 14 Voting
From: Lorelei Ierendi
Sent: 2019.06.11 20:27
To: A Missioner

Thank you for taking the time to vote for me. And thank you for taking the time to think about doing it tactically.

And thank you for the feedback!

It would be helpful for me for the future to know:
Did you take the time to find out my real views about ganking by reading old threads and blogs, or did you just go from the thread this year? Or did you have another source (eg other players / channel)?

The reason I ask is:

Gankers jump all over me and I gave up a long time ago trying to carry on meaningful discussion with them. But I have come to respect that assuming people have the time to read through the old threads and my blog is unrealistic! In the future I shall be attempting a summary of what I think…

I complain a lot about CCP not being open or good at communication with the player base about CSM related things… I think I need to accept that I could be doing more as well!

Just adding the rest of the conversation.
Touching words.

You see, it is mails like this that keep me coming back for more.

Re: Best of luck in the Election
From: Lorelei Ierendi
Sent: 2019.06.11 20:29
To: just another carebear,

Thank you thank you!

So you mean it payed off, dumping those small containers???

Re: Best of luck in the Election
From: just another carebear
Sent: 2019.06.11 20:47
To: Lorelei Ierendi,

I guess it did, because I recognized your name and decided to read what you had to say, even though I was already frustrated by some of the other candidates. I thought I recognized it anyways, but when you fly long enough it’s hard to remember everyone you’ve met in passing.

What really got my vote was reading that you kept trying, improving your position a bit each year. Your tenacity is impressive, especially for someone who’s courteous and a bit asocial.

I hope you get it this time. Meanwhile, I have to figure out what do with myself now that I resubscribed on impulse. I don’t really want to join an alliance again, though I liked the peaceful ways in Provi. But I do enjoy contributing to something greater. I was thinking about finding other small / solo corps to form a loose federation - not an in game alliance that can be wardec’ed, but just communicating and cooperating on mining fleets and trading and such. It never occurred to me that there were still so many peaceful solo’ers in hi-sec until I read your campaign message.

Thanks for your hard work on behalf us quiet types. Fly safe!

just another carebear