High Sec Candidate

No, low sec is not high sec, they’re different, that’s exactly what I said, that high sec is safer and hence flying a freighter through high sec is MUCH easier. It’s not that “the standards should be different”, it’s that they’re different already. That is precisely the reason this is not a problem that needs fixing, the freighter pilot just needs to understand high sec is not safe and fly accordingly.

Thinking in terms of low sec just helps you think in terms of no safety anywhere and fly accordingly, instead of assuming or expecting high sec should be safer than it is…

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@Dracvlad @Knowledgeminer

Thank you for taking some of the discussion to another thread:

I do not want to drag the discussion there back here… (this thread has been bumped enough for one day). I just wanted to mention something about “Random Numbers”.

Back in 2015 I was actually talking a lot more about random numbers with respect to ganking. Here is a blog post that mentions that:

That could be where the whole “Lorelei wants Random Chances” meme comes from.


Player with one account. How fly accordingly?

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Find some friends, reach out to people, join a corporation, etc. There are a lot of ways to fly appropriately as a solo pilot. If you don’t even know this, how can people vote for you as a CSM candidate?

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I am not expecting you to vote for me.

But I am flattered by the amount of energy you are spending on not getting me elected… when it has been clear from the beginning that I am not going to get elected.


Either bring friends or don’t fly a freighter. Stop assuming a single pilot with zero support should be able to do things that require support to do properly, like flying a freighter.

Oh look, dodging another issue. Got anything to say about the suggestions to find some friends or join a corporation? Or are you gonna just keep ignoring points raised?

How do friends help a freighter survive?

Edit - going to have to sleep… replying tomorrow evening to stuff.


Lorelei, can you outline what your experience is hauling in highsec with a Freighter?

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That is a perfectly reasonable suggestion in regards to having a random factor in terms of the spawn time of CONCORD. It is not applying a random factor to the success of a gank which certain people tried to stick on you. These people are pathetic.

This is the important question, and at the moment you have to have three max skilled Talos’s ready to gank the bumper. It is the only option that enables you to get out if of coure they don’t have two bumpers, and it hardly ever happens because it is too costly for hisec carebears.

A scout, bumper on gate dock up and wait him out.
A webber can be negated by a suicide point

When you do this you have to always get to the endpoint situation, which is the bumper holding you for the gank fleet to form and form again.

And notice that when you asked that question the deflection came straight in focussing on your experience. Well I can speak on your behalf here as I have had a lot of experience with freighters in terms of moving them and not losing them and in terms of trying to save them, the success rate I saw from my own experience was about 40% saved, but I was a bit picky in terms of my involvement, I do not count of course max cargo freighters which I would leave to their fate and not bother trying to save.

Your question is totally spot on.

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I am honest, unlike the OP who suggests changes that would cripple the gankers’ income. You can try twisting it all you want and you can make up ■■■■■■■■ reasons just as much, it’s not going to change the outcome whatsoever.

A 50% chance of success is completeky nuts, and instant self destruct just as much. She’s either too short sighted to understand, or deliberately bullshitting us. Imagine the same ■■■■■■■■ idea applied to other parts of the game. People would go nuts! So would I!

But hey, shitting on a minority is fine around here, I guess!
It’s just gankers, hu?

What do you propose to do with freighter bumping? Because it is just totally unbalanced as it is.

I want solutions that do not remove freighter ganking, but remove this poor mechanic where a player can effectively point someone with no consequences for hours. There is the timer suggestion, I have suggested that freighters be given the same fitting options as the bowhead, and my most recent one is that the safe log off will work with a five minute timer if locked and that timer only gets reset by the player ending it, not by other locks though an aggression timer will end it.

The reason for all of this is that bumping just gives too much advantages to the freighter gankers. And what you have now are multi-boxing players dominating solo players with one or two accounts with no real way to counter. And even if people group up to counter it they struggle to effectively counter it due to the certainty that bumping gives.

I don’t like the situation where a Bumper with a suicide point also on grid gives me only the option to dock up and wait it out. Also I want the freighter to have gate games with the cloak, I want the security status penalty to mean something there. So tags have to be purchased. I want the situation to develop more of a cat and mouse game around the gates like they do with JF’s. As a hisec CSM candidate what say you?


It’s funny I consider myself an industrialist but I refuse to purchase and fly a freighter.

I just think they’re big fat targets waiting to be had. If I want to ‘pretend’ like Eve is a sandbox industrial game with the option to PvP in certain areas then I will get a freighter and happily take my cargo from a to b, but it isn’t.

Firstly the freighter costs around one billion isk.

Secondly it’s slow as hell.

Thirdly you have to use jumpgates which makes travelling beyond more than 2 systems unbearable for me. - I prefer games that allow you to fly in a straight line to your destination…oh but Eve is about risk and we all have to sit inside the experimental mouse cage after jumping into a new system and trying to warp off.

Vent over…

Sorry where were we?


Scouting, webbing, either fit for tank and make yourself not worth ganking or fit for agility to align into warp faster (with web support)…

Also, if there is no gank fleet ready (which you should know if you scouted and used intel channels), you have a lot of time to try to escape from bumping by trying to have something you could warp to in the direction you’re being bumped, for example.

I’m not going to get into more detail because I’m no expert on these matters, and also because I think you’d be better off starting a new separate thread to ask such questions. I strongly recommend you to focus on having a honest constructive discussion about this form of gameplay and refrain from making you look like you intend to nerf anything if you’re really interested in getting helpful answers.

I would like, however, to emphasise the word help you used in your question. There are several ways to help a freighter survive through high sec, not to make flying a freighter safe. If what you’re asking for is for ways to make freighter hauling safe you’re still not getting it (not saying that’s what you’re doing, not making any assumptions here).

[Edited to say “high sec” where it previously said “low sec” by mistake.]

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ROFL. This is the same fool that replied this to me when I asked the OP whether that’s how she was suggesting to accomplish what she said she wanted:

So first he called me and others dishonest and pathetic trolls for suggesting that could be what the OP was asking for, and now he says that’s “perfectly reasonable” (which it obviously isn’t, but he’s not even capable of understanding why) and blames us for not having understood that’s what the OP was suggesting…

What an utterly dishonest tool… And he keeps posting with a total lack of self-awareness as if everybody was going to simply believe whatever nonsense he says and couldn’t just go check the facts for themselves…

I admit I oversimplified and bent what you said a little bit. But examples I presented still valid. Do you get to shoot offenders in other activities too. Should Mission runner be able to shoot anyone warping to his mission pocket? Should Escalation runner be able to shoot scanning ninja in his site? DED runner who found the site first and cleared several rooms, does he own overseer? Why? Why not? Why your case should be an exception?

I understand emotional side of your claim, I hate DED competitors, I’d rather have all the loot to myself. But it is an MMO isn’t it? Its highsec, unless you’re committing a crime you’re free to do as you wish.

Ore even though spawned by your Athanor does not belong to you until you mined it. Just as my DED loot does not belong to my until stashed in station or delivered to Jita.

Yesterday I was bringing week worth of loot to JIta, got ganked in Perimeter. That’s a bummer. Do I blame gankers? They came prepared with several Tornadoes on gate, pretty sure they ship scanned me beforehand, they were well coordinated and swift. I was careless. How can I blame them?

Its sandbox. You have your tools. Split your cargo, make several trips, overtank, go longer route, scout, web. Contract FFS.

You can call your opponent stupid all you want, it does not make your argument stronger. Just makes your position weaker.

There is no objective necessity for such a measure, except your unjustified wishes and wants.

What kind of argument is that. You’re being dismissive. You don’t trust reddit, that’s fair. But is it wrong in this case? What is wrong with the data presented? Arguments please? Your numbers?

3 moons, 6 day cycle, you get a belt every other day, you have relative control over chunk popping time. 2.5 hours for a 4 ppl/alt operation. What is wrong with these numbers?

You set longer cycle to get bigger belt? You mine alone and it takes you 10 hours to clear field? And what exactly do you expect?

Several years ago I finished certain DED site in 15 minutes, often I got ‘robbed’ of overseer loot. I now do the same site in 5 minutes, and rarely ever get contested, and often do the ‘stealing’.

Now this is very convenient. But calling your opponents argument invalid does not make your own arguments any stronger. All you gave to this point are unthought through baseless claims.

You proclaimed things which will benefit you and small group of highsec moon miners, without any analysis why is it any good for the game, how it will affect other playstyles, game economy.

I think giving you power you ask for will render ninja miner profession extinct. You want ability to shoot them without CONCORD intervention… with you having citadel weapons on grid, how very convenient.

Now concerning gankers. Do you understand they are exclusively highsec players. You claim to be highsec representative. Would you stand for their interests? So far you dismiss them, deny their right to gameplay they prefer.

We saw Brisc presenting players opinion on matters to CCP even when he had opposing view. So far you presented yourself as closeminded self-righteous person. You answer to those who agree with you and dismiss, smear as trolls or gankers those who disagree.

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Here it is, didn’t have to read too far until we got to the carebear defeatism at the root of this issue.

Carebears get it in their head that since we are such top-tier, elite PVPers, there is nothing at all they can do to help themselves and it is just so contemptibly pathetic.

This game gives you so many tools to avoid your death that you really have only your own incompetence/laziness/lack of imagination to blame when you die to a freighter ganker.


I used the word help for a reason. :slight_smile:

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Well I nearly applied to join red frog once.

It’s true. Playing space trucker was what bought me to EVE in the first place. I (or my alts) once we got Freighter trained spent a while doing contracts (mostly things like hauling Ore from the surrounding systems to Jita). I dabbled in the big routes between Trade Hubs, but I found shorter runs away from the main pipes to be more profitable in the short run. I did enjoy trying to plot my own routes without necessarily taking the suggested routes from the autopilot.

I personally prefer the Obelisk, because I find it to be the prettiest of the Freighters. I do have alts that can fly the others, indeed all cargo carrying ships. In the good old days we used to form a trucking convoy.

I enjoy the shorter runs, because I don’t want to use autopilot. I’d rather dock up or get to a safe sport if I need to go away from the monitor… because it is very painful for me to come back to the computer and be moving 15km towards a gate at very slow speed and then to have to wait. Whilst freightering even if it is slow, I would rather be clicking buttons than waiting to be able to click buttons.

Did a few runs out to null (once in a shuttle… naive little me). Haven’t really used Jump Freighters much… taking that much ship via lowsec whilst working alone seems like it’s too risky for me. I have been bumped a couple of times but I’ve never been ganked in a freighter. The first time I got bumped it was kind of exciting, but the bumper either found a better target to gank, or gave up. I did manage to escape once, because the bumper didn’t seem to be paying attention to the direction he was bumping me and I caught warp.

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Well I am a carebear. :hear_no_evil:

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