High Sec Gankers and Titans

I somehow feel anyone rich enough to afford ORE miners should be rich enough to fly in something better than a Venture.

Whoa, those are some Dead Sea levels of salt coming from peen!

I wonder how high his blood pressure was when he was banging out that rager?

Seriously, like, how angry can a person stay for a decade and a half because of one mining barge in 2009?


I was wondering when it would show up looking for its pat on the head.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

It feels nice to be liked. Much better than having my forum experience be like the high-sec minerā€™s version of Hard Knock Life, at least!

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But instead of virtual iskies do you have as much $$$ as this one below? :thinking: :smiling_imp:


Thanks a lot Uriel.

Now I canā€™t get the picture of some grossly obese neckbeard doing hot tub Twitch streams while bragging about a gank they once did out of my head.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


Rumor has it that @Iceacid_Frostpacker bought Aikoā€™s bath water back in the days. With your mental image in mind that gets an entirely new meaning.

:eyes: :skull: :snowflake:


I wonder if thereā€™s any of that bathwater still for sale.

Erā€¦ asking for a friend.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

Now how would Icky know if I was or wasnā€™t logging into the game?

Its called reality. Icky

Try it sometime.

It was just a reference to what they always claim. To be honest it doesnā€™t really matter in that context whether it is true or not.

Btw who knows maybe they spy on you in real-life. :eyes: :stuck_out_tongue:

heā€™s just salty and jelly cuz he has no friends

It depends if one is mining because one desperately ā€˜needsā€™ the ISKā€¦or just for the fun of defying the gankers and engaging in a little risk. With me it is more the latterā€¦it is ā€˜Iā€™ll mine if I want toā€¦try and stop meā€™. This also means I wont be salty if I am ganked, because I didnt need the ISK in the first place, have more than enough kills already that I can afford a loss or two, and willingly took the risk for the fun of it all anyway.

10-man ganking an unarmed mining ship is TOTALLY a challenge.


Just wanted to say thanks to @Aaaarrgg for allowing me to taste the waters again.

Good spirits to you Sir, you had change my path for Y125 so I appreciate you!

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To be realistic, it is a challenge.

Many players struggle to run one account, so running 10 requires a minimal level of skill.

Also, the mining ships are not ā€œunarmedā€ or alone, which increases the challenge.

In many cases, I am perhaps dropping a handful of catalysts upon an entire fleet of mining ships, protected by Githany Red and Dracvlad and the whole pleb team. I rather doubt you would be very successful at this, but feel free to try.

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I fully endorse ganking Titans in HS


Uh those are great. And then sell them and stalk the miner who bought it to get them back. repeat

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Is this really true @Mr_Epeen?

Iā€™ve sensed even more rage from you than normal on this thread.

If it is, just know that at the end of the day, itā€™s only a game. And not worth giving yourself a coronary over.

Ask it to show you the killmail.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

Agreed, this is the best advice regarding EVE or any game and forumsā€¦ and the internet in general.

Not sure about the specific case you mention though as I have no info about it but aside of that there is definitely expression of easily being triggered by minuscule details in this thread, in other words rage over nothing and tempest in a bottle. :thinking:


I guess this is a proper reaction and advice as well to those:
