Why can’t you just add something constructive to the discussion?!
Oh… wait… aw…
Why can’t you just add something constructive to the discussion?!
Oh… wait… aw…
So, if we return to the OP, NOT to ignore the Trolling that has been going on in this thread, because the Trolling is very much part of the problem.
What the OP is principally concerned with would, in other games with competent developers and a more or less serious playerbase, be called “SCALING.” Simply put, there is NO scaling in EVE Online. And the reasons for this are more than obvious. Poor planning. Poor design. Poor development. There is no ship hierarchy. An extremely poor vision of combat with spaceships. 12 cheap, disposable ships are the equivalent of every other ship in the game!
Players are farming ISK, training skills over tremendous amounts of time, and when they finally have all this ISK and all these skills, there’s NOTHING to do with them. Because the game doesn’t Scale. the challenges don’t scale. There is NOTHING in the game that can ONLY be accomplished by a Battleship. Whatever it is it can be accomplished by 12 cheap, disposable ships!
Cyberbullies like this situation, they call it “Sandbox”, and they use their cheap, disposable ships to destroy large ships, or use their large ships to destroy small newbie ships.
However, anyone that likes Balanced, Competitive gameplay finds this situation abysmal!
The local Cyberbullies/Trolls maintain this bizarre status-quo by surrounding EVE Online with the most absurd narrative you will ever encounter.
CCP doesn’t care, because ICELAND just needs some international money!
Who do you work for?
What is your actual agenda?
You can’t possibly be this mad at a game that you don’t play.
You’ve got to be getting paid by someone to spend so much time in the forums of a game that you don’t play.
If you were asking questions and trying to get information in order to get started playing, maybe I could understand. If that were the case, i would tell ya to just dive in, and learn as you go. Mistakes generally teach better than reading opinions.
But you’re not. Instead, you’re spreading misinformation and just in general poo-pooing on the game, its players, and its developers. You’ve offered nothing in return but arguments about semantics, conspiracy theories, and insults.
It’s starting to get bothersome.
It’s starting to reek of a ‘professional’ attack.
It’s like you’re only here, not to air grievances, but to damage players’ faith in a game they love.
You keep vomiting these so called “facts” that are clearly your personal opinions at best, and are complete libel at worst. While I have seen some posters go off the rails a bit due to emotion, the real troll here is YOU.
And the really sad part for your professional trolling campaign?
It’s not even entertaining.
Maybe you’re not being paid by some other company to do some sort of character assassination of CCP. Maybe you really are a former player who got burned so bad that you feel the need to return time and again to complain about the same things that will not change since they are core tenets of EvE.
–Gadget hopes you got paid well
You idiot! Clearly this thread is a dumpster fire.
The goal of CCP is to provide us - the players - with a platform ( = sandbox / playground) for us to create our own content. They give us certain tools to do this job without limiting how these tools are used by the players. It’s exactly this freedom that makes EVE a worthwhile game. If you want a game where everything is hyper-regulated and features get tweaked over and over until they only allow for a very narrow/intended use then you’re a) missing the point of EVE and b) would probably be happier with a different game.
Please stop lobbying for the destruction of what makes the game fun for most of the long-term players (and kept it alive for the last 15 years), just because you can’t deal with the implications of this freedom.
Indeed it is, and most of it has come from you.
Kindly stop spewing your poisonous drivel all over the forums.
Regardless of CCP incompetence.
They still made super trailers. Can’t get enough watching it.
That’s why they don’t play EVE and certainly don’t whine about it on the EVE forums for a week!
So yeah:
All CCP is doing is chasing the dollars (Not Krona!) of MMO players. whatever lures in MMO players is what CCP does or adds to the game. They added High-Sec because the average MMO player is NOT into PvP and CCP wanted EVE Online to appear to have PvP safe-zones in order to attract the average MMO player. they added ‘Missions’ because of the success of World of Warcraft, because part of the success of World of Warcraft was attributed to its Questing system, and CCP wanted EVE Online to appear to have that too. Events??? because other games offer them. Cash Shop and SKINS, SKINS, SKINS, SKINS, SKINS, SKINS, SKINS, SKINS, SKINS, SKINS, SKINS, SKINS, SKINS, SKINS, SKINS, SKINS, SKINS, SKINS, AND EVEN MORE SKINS, SKINS, SKINS because other games have them and CCP just wants to Cash in on the trends.
But the one thing that CCP does NOT have is a “Goal, Aim, Intent, Point or Philosophy” for its game! (other than to use it to make money)
The collection of systems that comprise EVE Online have NOT been designed with any goal, aim, intent, point or philosophy, and that includes PvP and the idea of Sandbox! CCP is NOT aiming at either a PvP game or a Sandbox game, they are only saying and doing whatever it is that brings in Money. If convincing you that this collection of failed systems constitutes a “Sandbox” then CCP will go along with that. If convincing you that this collection of half-baked, failed systems is cutthroat PvP then CCP will go along with that. And, at the same time, CCP will not hesitate to convince as many people as it can that EVE Online can be played without ever engaging in combat with other players! At the same time CCP will not hesitate to convince as many people as it can that “HIGH-SEC” is a pvp safe zone!
Because the collection of failed systems that constitute EVE Online are designed for one thing and one thing only, to get MMO players to spend money on EVE Online.
How terrible of a business to want to build something of value and seek revenue.
Buuuhuu CCP only wanna make money I taught it was a charity game for me and my friends. That´s how you sound right now.
Ganking is fine then? Good glad that’s settled.
Sounds like a successful business model. Giving the players what they want, getting money in exchange. How absolutely awful.
HS has always been part of the game. PVP has always been feasible there.
CCP has added different ways for the money supply to grow. While they may not have intended it, the money supply in EVE is actually not unlike how the money supply would grow in a commodity based currency economy. That is missions, and ratting in NS. These activities are two of the biggest ways to get ISK into the in game economy.
From very early on CCP was moving towards a sustainable in game economy driven by players. Thus having a money supply that can grow with that economy is a good thing.
So it is not clear that CCP added things like missions simply because WoW had quests.
OMG! Cashing in on a trend. How absolutely awful. Giving players what they want in exchange for money. How absolutely outrageous. I suppose you are pissed at your grocery, clothing stores, and gas/petrol stations too right?
No, that is up to you. You set your goals. How you go about achieving those goals determines your intentions in game. If you want to achieve your goal by being a right bastard you might become a notorious corporate thief. Or you might go hold people for ransom. Or maybe you’ll build your empire being trustworthy to various people in the game.
This is a game for adults who can set a goal and then go about achieving it and also not get all butthurt about how others might chose a different path that leads them into conflict.
Yes and no. Yes CCP has taken on a custodian role in regards to the game. As such there is no “goal, aim, intent, point or philosophy” other than whatever players come up with.
Yes CCP is in this to make money. We are all out there doing things “for the money” at least in part. There is nothing wrong with this. Nothing at all. That drive for money which in turn allows us to acquire goods and services, in and out of game, is how things get “better”. In game things get “better” when we have more and cheaper ships with which we can do stuff which includes blowing them up. Having more skins, if that is your thing, is fine too. IRL, having more commodities and services is a good thing too, or having more variety. I simply do not understand this notion that “making money is bad”. Transactions are voluntary. CCP is not holding me hostage and making me pay them money, I do it voluntarily.
See the above. These are voluntary transactions and your whines are thus moot. We are giving CCP our money because we value what they give us access too more than the whatever else we’d have spent the money on.
You don’t value it. Fine. Quit. Leave. STFU and GTFO. We have heard you inane drivel over dozens of posts. We get it. You are butthurt. Go find a game that makes you happy and leave.
Seriously, you guys need to learn to READ IN CONTEXT. Stop reading out of context. Stop pulling out sentence after sentence and responding to just ONE sentence. Read the whole essay. Try to understand the entire essay before commenting on it. Respond to the point of the entire essay first! and last!
If necessary go take an English Class at your local college. Learn how to read and write good essays.
At NO point in my essay do I condemn businesses for being businesses.
Please, read the essay again. This time, read the entire essay first.
Yes, please do so.
Your wall of text, repeated and unneeded full capitalization of words, and then the repeated spam of skins lend little to comprehensiveness. Maybe you should write less in a ranty fashion, and more like an actual essay.
The message within might still be the same silliness, but at least it might be more readable.
Who knows? You might grab a convert or two.
–Red-Pen Gadget
Physician, heal thyself.
I read the entire essay and it is stupid.
First off CCP has offered a 15 day free trial for players to get a flavor of the game. Then a 30 day trial. Now an unlimited trial. Thus players who sub are those who choose too and often after they get to play for free. Nothing is keeping people sending money to CCP for a game they don’t like, hate, don’t want to play, etc. These are voluntary transactions that people engage in, presumably because they are mutually beneficial. Once it stops being mutually beneficial for one side they can stop the on going transactions. That some people do not want to do so signifies that they are satisfied with what they are paying for.
There is nothing wrong with what CCP is doing. You don’t like their product…don’t buy it. If you do…then buy it. But to sit here and excoriate them for…what? Apparently misleading you as to what the game is about…so you what? Played for months or years on end even though you didn’t like it? What kind of a daft bugger does that make you?
We know what kind of game EVE is. We like it that way. So we give them money.
So again…
You don’t value it. Fine. Quit. Leave. STFU and GTFO. We have heard you inane drivel over dozens of posts. We get it. You are butthurt. Go find a game that makes you happy and leave.
Let me help you guys out since you are having so much trouble. I admit this attempt is doomed to failure since it’s pretty obvious you guys are wed to reading out of context, perhaps don’t know what a context is, as well as responding to single sentences in complete isolation from the rest.
Here goes! (remember, read the entire essay first! try to understand the message the essay is trying to convey. Then try to understand the general intent of the essay before responding to it. )
First my essay was a response to two comments which assert that I am missing the point of EVE Online.
My essay begins with a description of the systems of EVE Online and their intent. I enumerate several systems in the game, such as High-Sec, the Mission system, the Events system, and the Cash Shop, pointing out that these systems were incorporated into the system of EVE Online for the sole purpose of attracting the “average MMO player” and his/her money. (Note: It doesn’t actually matter when High-Sec was included in the system of EVE Online, whether it was after its launch or before, since EVE Online was created in the Post-Ultima Online era. Ultima Online learned the hard way that it could not, would not, survive without Trammel, without the inclusion of a PvP Free Zone. EVE Online incorporates High-Sec into its system in order to give the “average MMO player” the impression that a PvP Free Zone exists in EVE Online, without which the “average MMO player” would not touch EVE Online.)
Having established the intent of the various systems that comprise EVE Online I then address the charge that I could be missing the point of EVE Online by asserting that there is NO point to EVE Online!
But the one thing that CCP does NOT have is a “Goal, Aim, Intent, Point or Philosophy” for its game! (other than to use it to make money)
In the final paragraph and final sentence I incorporate these two things about EVE Online, that the intent of its systems is to attract the “average MMO player” and his/her money and that there is NO other point to these systems, to say that this also holds true for the ideas of “PvP and the Sandbox” as well. That CCP and EVE Online are NOT aiming at producing either a PvP game or a Sandbox game
Remember, at no point do I condemn businesses for being businesses.
What I am condemning is the idea that there is a “Goal, Aim, Intent, Point or Philosophy” behind the collection of failed systems that constitute EVE Online.
Let me help you guys out since you are having so much trouble.
What would help is a concise, categorized proposal of what exactly you want changed.