I get a small chuckle making an analogy between CODE and unethical cops making traffic stops.
Officer pulls you over
walks behind your car
Breaks your tail-light
Claims to have pulled you over due to the broken tail-light.
shenanigans ensue…
The idea that code pilots would even bother reading bios of pilots (to confirm a permit) before attacking just is not believable given the time limits for a successful gank. The protection racket roleplay is fun to read sometimes though, so it does add some overall value to gameplay.
Edit: Plus as a null-sec player this game would get exceedingly boring without the random risk of getting attacked by players. NPC threats are a joke (second largest reason I left highsec , with he first being joining a community)
You gave a public announcement of a major mining fleet with a significant advanced warning in Whats arguably the Gank capital of the game… and basically nobody showed up to gank the miners…
Gankers exist for sure… but based on that blog they are the like the boogeyman under your bed (only appearing for people who are alone and unprepared).
[quote=“Shipwreck Jones, post:20, topic:338672, username:Shipwreck_Jones”]
Also, ganking is too risk free. So that needs to be changed.
[/quote] I agree with that.
Forget about highsec,get an Endurance and filament into pochven. Within 20 min (15.2 m3 \ sec) I either have a full load (19000m3) of mercoxit or a full load of abyssal ores. With an align time of 2.85 seconds escaping is not that hard and the ship + fit is only about 35 mil.
Thats why i tank my mining ships, and i dont fly a Covetor or a Hulk. It doesnt matter the yield if you keep losing ships. If you fly those types of ships in areas where gankers might show up, tank up, and have an escort if possible. Hell, tank up and have a second pilot who can do logi. If you take no precautionary measures, thats on you, no matter how correct you might be in the imbalance of mining ships to gankmobiles.
Well, my hulks get to 70k ehp (without shield bursts). I don’t get gank attempts much but last time the retard died. And I podded him lol. Now, that was only 1 t2 catalyst. The Princess uses 5-6 I don’t remember so idk I guess I would die if I get caught.