High Sec Moon Poaching?

Speaking of mining, I miss the old Osprey; and all the ways that you could abuse it.


I am not a fan of suspect status for poachers as OP calls them, that will just encourage them to join the corp that owns the athanor/tatara and EVE doesn’t need more highsec mining corps. I’m fine with poaching being the way it is. The moment you put your structure in highsec you should accept that there will be uninvited miners coming to it.


If they join them, they’re not poaching anymore, right?

Value of ore that the intruder would steal - cost of ships used to gank.

So if a barge is going to steal 10mil worth of ore (approx 1hr of barge mining), you can use 5 catalysts to ‘break even’ on it.

But alphas…

Noted. :slightly_smiling_face:

This does seem like an ok solution. Or to do nothing at all.

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I’d like those five fitted catalysts for a mere ten million ISK, please… :smiley:

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I remember people had concerns when CCP announced moon mining in high sec, that if asteroids will have owners at last. Some people were alergic to making mining asteroids a suspect inducing action.

The controversy was more over the ability or inability to control who goes suspect via an ACL, from what I remember. Most PvP types were willing to accept suspect if not in corp, but not willing to accept suspect if not on ACL. PvE types were not willing to give up the ACL because they want to protect their non-wardeccable alts.

There are some videos of heroic suicide ganks to defend their moons. But mostly they are just crying on the forums, something something suspect flags.

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Yeah, I don’t get that. The same people who say this isn’t an option usually proclaim how easy, cheap and inconsequential suicide ganking is.

Normal highsec carebears also tell us that the sec status loss is minimal and tags to repair it are to cheap and what not. So what is it?


Nothing at all… other than the restriction of not knowing which moons and where are popping. Happens all the time. Don’t like it? Blow them up.

In truth both options are better than what we have now.

I am already hearing “its too much work” in the distance, coming from the direction of Iceland.

In all honesty, they have probably reasons to say that. And its not about amount of work, but how many people actually would have to work on it.

Mostly lazyness and afkness.

If they come with orcas you can pop their drones. Just let each miner make a pirate/merc alt. Easy. If their drones are gone their orca is crippled even at 100% shield/armor/hull.

If they come with Hulks/Skiffs just bump them out of rangë. And have a few guys (not in fleet) attack their drones to add cost.

That is how you could do it. However, this post is all about how to make CCP fix players that use alt corps with structures to profit. But remember that CCP will pribably add a accesslist (like they do for structures and now bookmarks) and you’ll be back here whining CCP doesn’t change the game for you.


Why gank when you can bump a miner away at no cost and zero risk.

This is what is so annoying about the recent “bumping fix”. The devs totally listened to whinning freighter pilots who should have been able to take care of themselves and totally missed the real issue which is solo, new player miners being bumped off the ore they are mining.

The REAL PROBLEM with bumping was never to go to warp, it was always how to stay still.

The devs just suck.


Lets be real here. The second they would implement any kind of suspect mechanism for this, the carebears will come back to the forums and ask to make that a criminal offence because they are afraid to shoot them anyway.


Even more, they would ask Concord to intervene before the first mining cycle as they can’t be bothered to even use one account to fight on.


It was another case of CCP ruining fun in highsec because of their precious nullbabies.


Not sure how its poaching, you don’t own the ore until its in your cargo.

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I mean except spending the Billion to create the ore lolollol

I am perfectly ok with not staying still. I like physics.