High Sec needs serious income buffs and mechanic changes

Another lie.

In the old days of eve if you did something to “get around” the natural operation of eve, you’d get banned. Ccps constant content spam and utter insistences on ignoring problems in eve and not fixing them (mining, blobbing lag from non 64 bit client (which is finally getting fixed do to outcry, War dec abuse (which after 15 years just got fixed) to name a few)

Code Circumvents high sec mechanics of having -5.0 security status by using “alts” to get ships that would other wise be blown up in undock. This is a direct abuse of the games intended mechanical workings, and should result in the same ban kiting concord use to give. it should be change right now, with out relent hesitation or double thinking it. Simply remove the ability to get in a ship in space without docking, or a capital tether. problem solved alternatively we can just opt for someone else’s opinion of concord popping pods.

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What is CODE. doing to get around the “normal operation of EVE”? Are they deliberately causing lag by say dropping a drone bomb?

Even if this were true it would not be an abuse.

Working as intended.

Again, working as intended. This practice has gone on since…well pretty much forever and CCP has elected not to do anything about it.

2/10 troll.

You should get together with Ball-less or whatever his name is, he’s better at this than you.

Just an FYI: The 64-bit client won’t fix the lagging during big fights. The problem is that the server cannot keep up with the amount of players so the game slows down to allow the server to handle it better. The only thing that the new client will fix is crashes caused by running out of memory.

your statement is slightly cryptic and seems to be troll bait. If you do not understand what is causing the lag, you should not talk about these technical topics. bandwith related issues has not really been a problem for games for over a decade.

Here is a mirror for you to look at.
And Tidi for you to consider.

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Eve is not just any game. Since everything happens on a single server, big fights can cause the server to be unable to keep up with the fight, which will appear to the players as modules not working, warps being impossible, etc. To help the server keep up with the players, it will slow down time in the system to allow it to keep up. That is called TiDi (Time Dialation). The game was build back when the CPU-speed was increasing at an incredible rate. The main physics simulation (everything that happens within a system in space basically) is still single-threaded and the only way to increase how big of a fight the server can handle is to have a faster CPU. The new client will do nothing for the lag in big fights as that is all server-side.

If you don’t know what you are talking about, don’t try to look smart. You will just be called out on it.

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Everything you said is right up until this statement is at least partially correct.

this thread is not about server, or client side upgrades. Return to the topic or get flagged.
no more discusson with you after this point, i dont have time for alts.

Fine, there might be some slight improvements with the 64bit client due to it allowing you to use more memory, but by itself, it won’t fix majority of the lag caused by fights.

You are the one that brought this up, not me. I am on-topic.
Also, I am nobody’s alt. This is just me with my history since I started playing Eve. I don’t like alts. They are not my thing.

Why should income be increased for highsec activities?
There’s no need for “more” isk while in highsec other than the vanity of watching the numbers in your wallet increase

why should they make 2 mill an hour?

The isk rates need to be closer to help retention rates (Significantly).

When it comes to high sec, the gains (isk) is to low. Wars in high secr are insane.
Did you know 5 corporations are responsible for 50% of the wars in eve?
Did you know the same corporations have 105 kills to a loss, and only 4% of the corporations they war dec’d managed to kill someone from their corp?

High sec is not safe, and its income is low. Change needs to happen.

Because they’ve chosen to be in space where they’re relatively safe?
Because they’re in the starting zone, and all mmorpg games have a natural increase in reward as you get to “higher level” zones.

Why do they need to be closer to help retention rates? One doesn’t stay in highsec for high isk value, one stays there for safety.
Also, you can make 2mil/hour in a venture mining 2j from a trade hub. Anything bigger and you’re easily making 5-10x that.

You still havn’t answered why there should be an increase, only why not, to which your justification is “because it’s not enough”. Not enough for what? Ships that can be used in highsec don’t cost much, so there’s no need for more isk

I do agree that bounties and loot drops for high sec need to be increased. I fought 10 battleships at once last night and the best three ships paid out 1M each. Most level 4 missions with loot, salvage, bounties and agent reward are less then 10M per hour.

Since I have been playing (only two years) I have seen high sec bounties nerfed and loot drop table nerfed once if not twice. High sec has taken a large hit on rewards versus the risk.

did you not just read what i posted?
high sec is not safe. 105 kills to 1 death. is not even close. stop propagating this nonsense.

repeating youself, your desperate to make high sec seem safe, arnt you? ccp has made this clear, high sec is not safe. thats why they changed war decs.

ccps doing it to make alpha plexing for free impossible. they are grabbing at money and the only way this is gona get fixed is if the players fight back. if they dont, people will leave and the population will get lower, and the cash grabbing worse. ccp needs to break this cycle and just stop with the money hungry nonsense.

This is off topic, but anyway;
Highsec IS safe bro, wars are avoidable, pvp is (for the most part) avoidable. If you choose to deploy a structure, be prepared for wars.
This game is all about risk vs reward. You choose to fly a flashy ship - you might make more isk, but you’ll also likely be a target.
Nevertheless, you still havn’t answered why isk should be increased in highsec

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Are you saying high sec moon’s give 8bil worth of ore every 2 weeks?

I thought about responding to this thread in a longer post.
But I already did in another one of yours.
And after reading this one, it seems like I have just wasted my time.

It does not appear that there where enought thought put into these proposals that it’s actually worth discussing them. There are just too many questions unanswered.

An example:



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Did you know? If all of eve isk creation was divided by 2, every price would be divided by two. (± )

Mission payouts based on ISK aren’t adjusted for market fluctuations. Since low level missions rely so heavily on the base ISK reward (as opposed to loot/salvage/LP rewards, which all fluctuate with the market), I can see how level 1 and level 2 missions will end up seeming underwhelming to new players as market prices go up. While I can’t agree with your specific values, I could see CCP taking some sort of action to “soften the blow” for new folks somehow.

Maybe make the ISK payouts for missions at least partially market-dependent? Say, index X% of the ISK reward to the server-wide average sale price of Tritanium, and have X decrease sharply as the mission level increases (because higher level missions really don’t need a buff).

I’ll assume that you read Diachi’s reply where he points out to you where in the EvE FAQ it clearly says that EvE is a full-time PvP game.

Having said that, almost literally every activity in EvE is PvP.

Mining? PvP. Have you ever been in a crowded ice belt competing to harvest ice?

Trading? PvP. Have you ever been undercut by a competitor?

Hauling? PvP. Have you ever been ganked?

Manufacturing? PvP. Have you ever used something that you made yourself instead of buying it off of the market?

Exploration? PvP. Have you ever warped to a site just to see the person who completed it warping off?

Mission running? PvP. Have you ever used the ISK earned in a mission to buy anything or sold anything that you earned as a mission reward?

Chatting in local? (At least potentially) PvP. Have you ever been scammed out of ISK or got drawn into a wardec because of smack talk?

EvE is a PvP game. You are PvP-ing the moment you log in.

It’s Everybody vs Everybody. Everything is a competition of some sort or another.

The sooner you divorce yourself from the notion that there is any sort of “Purely PvE activity”, the sooner you’ll understand what EvE really is.