High Sec Ore Stealing - Suspect Flag Required

It can be part of the suspect flag and safety setting. We’ll call it the ‘not be legal target flag’.

Exactly, this chain does not happen anymore. So it’s fine.

The whole argument is (still) flawed because asteroids in space are nobody’s personal property and not subject to suspect status. There is no basis for this argument whatsoever.

The wardeccable miner option is an artificial limitation being put on a structure owner’s choices and actions, not to mention is also covered by the first point that nobody owns the asteroids.

Neither is valid.

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Well done proving you haven’t bother reading the thread or having a single independent thought about the whole matter, and simply being here to sperg miner hate. Thanks for your participation.

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Read Bronson’s posts. He sums the situation up well enough.

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hmmm, lore wise 73% of every moon, asteroid belt, and planet, and moon in Caldari space is owned by Sukvessta and Kalakiota (may have mispelled those corps) with the remaining almost split evenly between the other Mega- corps…

SO here we go I propose, if such a change was to go thru…then every Rock in every belt and anom and mission site makes you go suspect.

Weren’t you the guy that yesterday said he couldn’t be bothered having a gank toon but doesn’t mind having a combat toon as long as the opponent is suspect? With this I would enjoy seeing the number of Orca’s killed by bait Procs when the proc goes suspect.

No idea which post you are trying to paraphrase of mine and getting totally wrong there…
But sure, if that happens it will be funny.

:point_up_2: That quote right there

Honestly all this thread comes down to…
Is carebears not knowing what they are asking for.

@Nevyn_Auscent are you a carebear? I know the OP sounds like one.

not empty quoting

Yeah, you are paraphrasing really badly there.
That was saying that expecting every mining group, who often might be 5-10 players, to run a whole gank fleet capable of ganking skiffs is just silly.

@Max_Deveron That depends how you define it. Of course, if you are resorting to labels for your argument…
In any case, I’m pretty clear on what I’m asking for, I know what the effects will be. I’ve been quite clear that it’s a two edged sword in my posts and that it would impact on the mining corp as well.

If you cant or are not willing to defend it you dont deserve it anyway. EvE 101.
Try again

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You know, this actually raises an interesting point.

You earn a suspect flag when stealing an item that belongs to another player. But if these moon asteroids belong to anyone (and that’s a giant “if”), it’s the corporation that owns the refinery platform.

Is there a mechanic for flagging someone for stealing an item that belongs to a corporation? (Not asking rhetorically/ironically.)

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It is so obvious, I don’t think I even need to list the ways for players to abuse OP’s idea. Learn to gank, hire gankers to help you or learn to bump. Suspect flag is deffo the wrong way to go!

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I believe you can loot Corp mate wrecks in a player Corp? never tested outside of fleet so not 100% sure.
If that is right then suspect mechanic already covers that.

That would be comparable, except that any lootable items in space always have personal ownership.
Corp ownership items in space require anchoring on behalf of your corporation. An individual cannot anchor a citadel and retain his/her personal ownership either.

Once more, there is no precedence for a suspect flag in relation to asteroids.

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So, thinking this through for a moment. (And this is just a stream of consciousness post, I’m not saying this should or shouldn’t happen.)

  1. Player corporation anchors a refinery with a moon rig thing-a-majig. This refinery belongs to the corporation.
  2. Refinery moon rig thing-a-majig blasts a portion of the moon its orbiting into smithereens, making them mineable. Currently these mineable moon bits belong to nobody and are treated just like any other asteroid. But if they were ever to belong to anyone, they would belong to the corporation that owns the refinery, not any individual player.
  3. There is currently no mechanic for “theft” from an asteroid since nobody owns any of them, but if there were, in this case it would have to be treated as a corporation theft, not a player theft. So playing devil’s advocate for a moment, what if theft from a corp earned you an limited engagement timer against that corporation? It’s less severe than a suspect flag since far fewer players can legally engage you. (EDIT: To clarify, this would mean a modification to limited engagement flags to allow for one against the entire corporation, not an individual LE flag for every corporation member.)

If this were implemented, it would still be wholly vulnerable to being gamed by PvP-minded baiters and other scallywags and it would offer no protection of the belt while corporation members were offline.

I stand by my position that no ownership/flagging mechanics should change in this case, but if they were changed I think this would be the most rational way to do it.


The LE mechanic isn’t set up to handle that at all. Hence the suspect mechanic. You could use that for Intel also to get exact names on everyone in Corp. And several thousand LEs at once is well known as server breaking.
Also… I highly suggest checking because you might find player Corp wrecks are effectively Corp owned. They can 100% be fleet owned across corps which is much closer to an ACL even. So in either case they aren’t personally owned already.

A suspect flag might result in PvP while the Corp is offline in rare cases also, but in all cases there are ships at risk on grid.

I don’t mean a limited engagement for everyone in the corp. I agree that would be cumbersome on multiple levels. I mean modify how the limited engagement flag works so that you can have one for the entire corporation. No free intel (easy enough to get on evewho.com anyways), no massive list of LE flags to keep straight.

Let me update my previous comment to clarify.

And, again, I’m not proposing this as a change. But if CCP were to do it, I think this would be the most logically consistent way to do it.

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I find this to be a perfectly acceptable trade off for having one set up in high sec.

And if you are a group big enough to use of of these but not big enough to have access to bumping battleships you messed up somewhere.

Either that or everyone gets a flag for mining from one.