High sec Pirates

A part of me has done something, taken something away from another pilot. I had felt that feeling the very moment once locked onto a pod, the split second before open fire to send them back to their home station. I witnessed first hand the destruction of their frozen corpse into a mist of red sparks.

Another part of me had destroyed ships while under criminal status and somehow I liked it.

You call that bling? There is was one x-type rep on that doesn’t cost that much.
And the loot fairy said no anyways.

It’s true the beginner portions of the game could use some work. EVE could also be friendlier to new players and casual players.

However if you are dying endlessly in high sec to other players (assuming by ‘pirates’ you mean player gankers and not NPC pirates like the Guristas), then you are doing something wrong.

Ganking/player-killing exists in high sec, it’s something you have to be aware of and take some precautions against. It’s not rampant or even all that common, and it tends to target people who make the same mistakes over and over again and basically paste giant “Shoot me!” targets on their ships.

If you let us know how you and your friends manage to keep getting yourselves killed (by gaining suspect flags, or mining in easily nuked ships, or flying expensive cargoes or builds or whatever), then some people will help you understand what you’re doing that leads to these kills. It’s certainly not a typical situation so if it’s happening, you’re doing something to cause it.


That’s why you were ganked. If you join my in-game channel, “Why Was I Ganked?” - we will be happy to explain! Agents are standing by.


Honestly, before reading your rant, I did not know Karens existed in video games as well.


You could, but i think he lost it all when the paladin exploded :stuck_out_tongue:


Piracy is not the problem, ganking is good and creates content. SUICIDE ganking is abusing game mechanics to cheat and you should report suicide gankers as bot accounts.

Omigosh. Somebody should tell CCP about this abuse of game mechanics!


I’m a little stunned by the abrasiveness of responses to obviously new players, yet the forums will chime with ‘Eve is dying’, and criticize the new player experience, rather than providing a guiding hand to help people adjust to a game that is very different (and appreciably so) from what else is out there.

The ‘get hard’ approach, the tricks with fits are all things that people have learnt over time or been taught by others, new players come into eve with classic progression model thinking, bling is better – it’s not the case. Only a handful of players in this thread have been the least bit constructive.


How would somebody be constructive in a ragequit whine thread? Would we commiserate with him? Offer him plex?


Everyone at some point gets frustrated with Eve - whether it’s mechanics changes, catastrophic loss. But this player is also talking about bringing other players to the game, and that because they are unfamiliar with it, and that their friends were being repetitively killed. It’s not about losing a Marauder in LS, but the hard response to someone unfamiliar with game mechanics drives out new players.

If you know where to go and how to go about it, these hi-sec pirates aren’t an issue and if a little assist went out to frustrated new players, they might turn into long-term players and add to the sandbox.

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With 13+ accounts and a Paladin loss the OP is hardly a new player.


Is he referring to ‘his’ accounts or does 13 accounts represent his friends also?

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One could also inject a Paladin, believing it a route to jump start capability or participation - clearly, for those who know, such means have few rewards and many risks - but that is for those who know.

When you’ve been here a while you’ll understand that the people making these threads do not want a guiding hand.


They do however, want their hands to be held.


Maybe the situation is something similar to this:


Alternative caption.

“Tonight we feast, tomorrow Judas is taking me to see Nine Inch Nails”


And I’m okay with that, when you teach a child to walk this is what you do.

Children teach themselves to walk.