High Sec PVE Revamp Needed

It was supposed to provide an income at one point.

But then newer and better methods of making income came out. Now, the ones that play EvE as another job don’t like that the job they’ve had for 20 years isn’t as profitable as it used to be.

You baited with an erroneous Micky D minimum wage puppet. Then gaslighted those calling out your junk followed by the unhinged rant above.

You don’t know all the players in Eve and I aver that very few if any are concerned with your quirky cognition. Further, that no one offered information that mission running was their sole activity in Eve hardly dissuaded you from assembling another man of straw arguing a point not in contention. Next comes the “lazy whiners” slur thrown down by your il-mannered talking straw. I’m afraid that any further critique of your remarks would require a my decent to your level and that’s a trip I’d rather not endure.

The OP brought up a legitimate point discussing an upgrade to hi sec mission running for the sake of content not ISK. His point is a good one.


Did you even read the thread?

The entire premise of OP’s post, as stated in his first sentence, is that he’s bored with missions, and therefore it needs revamped. He then proceeds to provide a lot of justification, but his core complaint is that it’s not entertaining anymore.

When you look at the scope of content available in this game, if this entire outlook doesn’t come off as whiny and entitled, then congratulations on not having the cognitive faculties to understand all the buzzwords you throw about like you know what they mean.

Good riddance, sir.

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I second that.


I couldn’t play EvE on a highsec income anymore. Leaving it taught me what this game is like when you’re not space poor. :rofl:

HS PVE is burners, abyss dead space, trig MV farming, incursions, homefronts, and uh… fobs I guess?

All “high value” isk makers there.

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I’ll second any attempt to encourage revamping missions.

People complain when there isn’t any content. Missions provide content in a way that many other venues can’t provide, in that pvp or interaction with other players is usually optional. This means that, while missions may never be the apex of the eve online experience, it’s a good starting point both for the economy, and for getting people online and in the game. Now, why would you not want people having fun?

I think back to some of my favorite games from the past, similar to eve online (e.g. Freelancer) and the single-player experience was just so much fun, the pvp interactivity wasn’t even really required to enjoy the game, it instead added to what was already fun about the game.

A few ideas I would like to see:

  • the addition of new types of missions with some randomization involved – these could even be relatively simple objectives, but with randomization things could get interesting.
  • add support for user-driven content through player-run services like EvePandora.

High-sec could definitely use some love. New (variety) missions doesn’t really seem like an unrealistic request. Especially considering bots are dominating Homefront Operations…

How would adding more missions make them better as a starting point ?

I second this.

I love the pve and lore aspects of this game. Missions have always been the best way for me to interact with, and be a part of the Minmatar Republic.

Unfortunately, due to inflation and the passing of time, these missions feel so old and dated these days. And the pay is so atrocious its probably a violation of New Eden’s labor laws lol.

I get that Eve is a pvp game first. But please CCP, spread some love over to highsec missions. Its been too long.


I don’t even really care about the pay. Just having more variety would be a nice change though.

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Because it’s so exciting having the red crosses in a different shaped layout and having a new text box for you to maybe read once before you completely ignore and click through?

I’m setting my expectations low. Different income sources would certainly be nice (Battleship burners, for example), but I’m not optimistic. We get Homefront changes and it’s immediately botted, so…

Engagements that are procedureally generated with some randomization could thwart the botters.

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OP wants more missions. I want more, but different kinds of missions. We both want to see the missions revamped.

What I mean by “as a starting point” is that, at least potentially, missioning can and should be fun enough in-and-of-itself to draw players back into the game, in a way much like other comparable classic space-based games with a strong single-player experience. Everything else including the MMO aspects of Eve can easily proceed from there in an additive sense, thus kickstarting more content.

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If missions were procedurally generated or random, then sites like EVE Mission Reports and the Wiki would be useless. If someone was having a problem with a mission, there’s nothing we could do to help them or any guide to follow, because it’s random.

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Having some random elements isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

I don’t think this would be a good thing for beginners.
Maybe limit to L3/4 ?

I’d just assumed we were talking about the higher-end missions (L3/L4/L5).

CCP wants to overhaul missions, but because they are tangled up in code, its not feasible to just work on those.

If they can add several new L2s surely they can add other than the burners, more L3 or L4 missions.

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