High Sec PVE Revamp Needed

CCP destroyed missions when they made standings impossible to seesaw standings back and forth. Instead of trying to make a better product, they destroyed the product to try, again, to get you to move your ass to Null. There is no Hisec person they aren’t willing to sacrifice to Null. Just understand they moved from carrot and stick to full stick and it still didn’t work, and still won’t go back and instead claim success in failure. While I am not sure when it happened, I would bet money this is a Pearl Abyss idea they came up with when they weren’t making the PLEX prices go stratospheric from sales constantly.

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Bottom line: We need some new high-sec content. And it should embrace both solo and team participation.

  • Industry and PI are basically dead in high-sec
  • Structures are more or less dead in high-sec

Perhaps for solo players, but structures aren’t meant to be solo ventures either. High sec is still littered with them.

Define “littered”. It’s rare to see more than one structure in a system these days (unless I’m in the wrong areas).

There are ways of placing Citadels so they don’t show up on the overview. You’ve more than likely passed through a system with several Citadels and didn’t even know.

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Go moon-to-moon in any 0.5 system and I guarantee you will see several citadels and POS towers.


Would you say there are more old POS towers than new structures in high-sec? Do POS structures count for war decs?

Yes, there are still tons of dead “sticks” around. Some of them are active, but most are abandoned. You can even place a citadel and a POS tower at the same moon. I’ve seen a few that have both an active citadel and an active POS.

And yes, any structure counts towards you being able to be war decced.

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Unlike citadels, I imagine there’s not much incentive going after abandoned POS?

Not really. You can still place a citadel at a moon, even if there’s already a POS there.

None. They drop no loot, no salvage either and they have up to 10 times more HP than all three Raitaru layers together.

Additionally, you need to wardec the owners if it is in highsec (which costs 250mi and you need a citadel yourself). And that is often not even possible because the corporation that owned them got closed. So they still belong to corporation you cannot wardec and therefore you cannot touch them.

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Sounds like CCP needs to do some cleanup…


This has been a problem for a looooooong time. A great many of those unowned POSes are probably from before the introduction of Citadels.

Oddly enough, the solution is simple in concept. A Corp doesn’t close automatically or by accident. I found an old account that I hadn’t touched in 15 years a while back, and the Corp that character had started was still open. Have the system check the status of the Corp, and if it’s closed then free wardec. The only reason I hold off saying start the wardec instantly is the odd case where a leaving director closes an active corp out of spite.

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Why so complicated. Just allow to shoot them with green safety if they belong to closed corporation.

I agree - but it’s high-sec (rules apply to structures and wars).

Green Safety?

Dafuq you talking about?

Sorry, I haven’t actually lived in highsec in over a decade. I had to remember what safety was, because none of my alts have it on green.

Then why do you comment on highsec-specific mechanics? :smiley:


Just because I haven’t lived there doesn’t mean I don’t operate there on occasion. Gotta have somewhere to go when not out making money.

I’ve got one alt with access to all 5 highsec faction Level 4 missions and a scattering of other alts that can also do level 4s for at least one faction each. I’ve another alt that has a decked out Worm in Jita to go do Abysses with.

I would just like to know why i can go to Null and a battleship is worth around 1.1 mil but I go into a mission in Hisec and that same battleship made by the same pirates is 325k. It honestly doesn’t make sense by any standpoint. How is this not skewed in favor of Null? How can a ship be worth more depending on where it is? Why is it famine but only for Hisec? I am all for famine, but for only one area? There isn’t even a chance for a officer to come out.