High sec should be.. more safe

What if you just doing all that CODE thing to push noobs to move and join to a big null alliances where they can farm under their wings in peace, making them more whealthy?

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I help new players join Karmafleet for just one billion isk.

You’re a talker. Listening to talkers makes me thirsty.


Didn’t CCP introduce something like space jail or reeducation camp on Serenity?

Yeah they wanted total safety which ganking delivers.

Time to go back to reddit and whine maybe?

Not only in highsec. I was once a living in w-space, reading heroic stories about James’ knights on minerbumping while stalking wabbits (wormholes rabbits, the local carebear bread) in a cloaked ship for hours, when suddenly I won 5 navy fleet issue stabbers on a blink promo.

This had to be a sign!

And w-space became stale after 4 years anyway, so I fitted those stabbers and started to bump those illegal miners while growing some alts to bring justice to highsec.

True story.

I would probably have quit EVE back then if it wasn’t for the New Order, which provided me with the most fun and entertainment I ever had in this game. I can only recommend it to everyone who wants to try something different.


They are still hisec carebears.

More tears please…

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because their targets are kind enough to not present any threat, yes

The only untruth is that there are miners that do support the CODE.

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You know, because it hurts you really deep if someone calls you a carebear (or white knight) (because it is true), that doesn’t mean it will have the same effect on people where it just obviously doesn’t fit. :rofl:


Dracvlad is salty because the same people who kicked him out of nullsec are the ones telling him to go back to nullsec. :rofl:


Sometimes antigankers forget that there are miners who gladly purchase permits, they even send billions of isk to James. Those miners are proud of their permits, and they want the illegal miners to face justice for their evil crimes and sin.

Not every miner says, “Why should I pay you ten million isk to protect my carebear interests?” Some miners say, “For ten million isk you promise to gank my competition?”
That’s called realpolitik.


No because they stay docked all the time except just before a gank.

CODE is great, big fan.

Definitely one of the most original and entertaining groups I’ve seen in any game, ever.

Eve Online is about this exact type of player-created content. This is what separates it from other MMO’s and makes it such a great game.

All you crybabies are desperately trying to ruin something you don’t understand, the very thing that’s kept Eve going for so long…


There are miners who support CODE, just like there are traders like me who support them.

We don’t need to change the game for everyone just because you’re not smart enough to figure out how to make isk without being ganked. That’s your problem. Aiko is right, you do deserve to get shot.


and their targets do everything they can to make sure that they present an easy, juicy target

“why yes, i’m going to load up this t1 industrial with 20 billion isk worth of crap and set it to autopilot to jita”


Im not saying their victims are not idiots but they need risks.

And it would be a great addition to the game to make these pirates available to kill.