High Sec War Dec by Hell dawn...Structure Defense

Ah you dont need to read it all.

Though when there was flagwars it was easier to find the juicy bits.


I hope the Lovins win!


There is a difference between calling someone a liar and saying that you are not being honest here.

All you are doing is picking up on a suggestion of what they will bring if it is a contested fight against heavyr odds. It is not difficult to understand that there is a hierarchy of doctrine choice based on what they see as a defence and in a TZ where the main group is not yet on.

The simple thing here is that there was another FC who was running the aborted attacks on our structure which was at the exact same time as the OP’s structure and he chose to come in with Domi’s. My sentence here is clear, in that it might however just be lovin, and the implication is that it could be different.

If you want to make a fuss about it feel free.

I said that to head you off.

Oh look you did it:

Knew that was coming…

But you are calling me a liar when I stated that they came to attack our structures with Domi’s

Except me telling people that this is what they brought against us twice and withdrew each time. So you are calling me a liar when there is a loss mail of one of three being moved back to Amarr during a short cut move through lowsec. So that that proves they use RR Domi’s.

If you are going to tell me that they don’t use RR Domi’s at times I will call you ignorant of what they do. So impasse, done dusted.

PS 250m donation to CODE, ho hum…, CODE fan boi

A thrice convicted liar.

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Well there is a Domi loss that proves that they use RR Domi’s and I insist that they tried to use them against us, but there is no proof because they left both times without fighting.

I will just keep repeating that, no big deal for me.

You remind me of the McRib.

No idea who you are talking about, so whooooosh, over my head!

Let’s just wait and see what happens. If your intel is true, then maybe attackers would leave the structure alone.

I don’t know why you would suggest that they would leave it alone. Does not make any sense.

You said that they left without fighting both times they used Domi, no?


And maybe they will do that the third time?


For the same reason they left without fighting first two times, maybe? Or it was very corp-specific?

I wonder what could have made them retreat without even trying, perhaps it was my ravishing good looks and artful posting.

That would certainly scare me away :smiley:


However, there isn’t a single piece of evidence that they use a fleet of RR Domis.

Here you go sir…

Piece #1

Piece #2
HD 2

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Thank you. That’s awesome and totally what I was hoping for.

You’re a genius.

So yep, they do use them in large numbers, so OP, maybe Drac’s advice is worth something after all. At Drac, my apology for doubting.

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Thank you, apology accepted.

That was a weekend by the way…