I like the fight and the ships, i see this is part of the game, but CCP really needs to do away with all the scams, this form of gaming is not making them money in the long run. It just doesn’t have longevity, after the casino’s were run out of eve its been a slow death.
Yeah, 20 years of scamming will be the death of EvE…
Sir, you are misinformed. BLACKFLAG. has foresworn war for Lent.
i love people like you. you have not the first idea what are you talking about but still think you would make a good game dev. Is the system perfect hell no but is a solution that simple hell no too.
Oh…so someone in BF is getting circumcised. Got it.
You may be getting your religious doctrines mixed up?
Also end the cap chain and rep chain in high sec. Just don’t allow allied targeting in high sec. Cap chain and rep chains were balanced for null sec battles not high sec bullying by null sec corps in their high sec alt corp they use for their sociopathic self gratifying high sec structure extortion racket.
Sure bring back gambling and the real world mafia that made profit from it. Let’s expose CCP to litigation and possible jail for their executives. I am sure that will extend the longevity of the game.
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