HighSec Looting Mechanics

What about preventing suspect from moving items out of their ship ?

Or just preventing a suspect from moving items to a ship that is not suspect.

They could just drop it.

Which is an extra opportunity to steal or shoot it.

shoot it means concordokken.
Steal it is not an opportunity, as it is something that already belongs to you

Also their alt will grab it before you.

So, no. It’s just a stupid idea, also it’s more prone to bugs. Prevent removing items from ship.

Oh really?

High sec… :disappointed:

Make dropped cans from suspects yellow to everyone

Then it means their friend will just take it.
Again, you are just trying to keep the stupid mechanism in place.

One should not allow to take from someone else without being suspect. Be it directly or indirectly. And the easiest fix to that, is to make suspect not able to remove items from their ship, be it jettison or put in another container/cargo.

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But if cans dropped by suspects are all yellow, their friend would then also turn suspect to grab it, allowing others to attack them.

Then you also need to become yellow to get it.

That’s just dumb.

As i said i just want this to not be forgotten. We have bigger problems and thinks that needs fixing atm but there is a reason why neutral logis/ sensor boosts and so on is not possible anymore. The only thing that is still possible is neutral looting. I think i presented the problem quite clearly and how its being abused. There are many solutions for it one of them is what i presented:

If a player turns suspect looting, the ship he puts the items into will also get flagged suspect. To prevent abuse of this system to flag random DSTs make them have their safety set to yellow (so people dont just invite random people into fleet go suspect and put stuff in their fleet hangar to kill them).
Currently the loot bots scoop everything a killed strucutre drops or ganked ships drop without any reasonable counterplay.

Yes they can loot it drop it → Abandon container → pick it up but at least it gives the others a chance to interfere. Currently its loot bot scoops everything into cheap high tank T1 ships instantly moves it to DST. DST flies off and laughs. Yes you can countergank but its pretty inefficient depening on what ships you need to gank and the logic behind it is flawed: You need to commit criminal actions to stop someone else from doing criminal actions… what?

So @Brisc_Rubal , keep it in the back of your head if thats possible. The current changes are much more needed and probably take a lot more time than this “small” issue. It shouldnt be more than an afternoons work for a skilled coder but then again its EVE :smiley:

You shouldn’t make the excuse that “there are bigger problems that need to be addressed”. A company that accepts money from players on the monthly should be expected to pay their developers to correct any tech debt and develop new engaging features concurrently.

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