So we all know of the recent changes to market trading and market taxation which forced the closure of TTT and had wide ranging impacts throughout the cluster. coughwarendingcough
I think this solution by CCP was a bit heavy handed, for a game that claims to have the truest virtual representation of a real economy, one that is as much as possible and at almost every level, driven by the playerbase. This was an INCREDIBLY restrictive move.
Instead i feel that CCP should have made the idea of a player owned market hub a continued goal to strive for… and to have to defend once you have it.
Make it so that only one of the market hubs can be onlined on a structure in a system at any one time, so that if people want to take control of a market hub in a system, they have to force offline any other hub already in that system, be it bribery, covert action, direct assault, etc.
Also make it so that in Low and High sec they have to be fitted to a keepstar, meaning it’s a much larger investment and risk to own a market hub, one that you can’t just do on a whim but have to devote continual effort to keep running and defended.
Then if CCP wants to adjust profit margins or anything else they can use a taxation system on the owners of the citadel, and can tie it to security status, or range from established market hubs, or standings with system owners, etc. (Maybe even set up a taxation system that uses standings between citadel owners and market users.
Possibly create a new tier of keepstar and fortizar. These new structures would be similar to the Palpantine Keepstar in that only a certain number of them can be operational at any one time (Not the expense part, make them reasonable to build), make it per system, constellation, region, cluster, whatever, but make them a point of conflict so that if people want to fight over them they can.
Now at this point some people might be saying: “Well we saw with the TTT, large coalitions can sign NAP for a cut of the profits, so there will be no conflict.”
To this i say, easy solutions.
Firstly while we have seen mega coalitions band together for the sake of profit, we’ve also seen cluster wide conflicts with huge numbers of groups on either side, all it would take to spark off a conflict would be for a group with followers to have a falling out and create a division, something as simple for that to spark off a galaxy wide war for control over the trading towers in high sec.
Secondly, If no conflict is happening, it’s obvious that everyone is happy enough with the profits to overlook minor slights and work together peacefully, if this happens tax the system a bit harder to drop profits and wait for greedy minds and under table deals to create conflict.
Imagine a goon spai gaining access to the roles to the trating tower next to amarr and oflining the huv there, cancelling all of the market orders in progress, complete market rest there, hundreds of billions of isk worth of non-refunable taxes lost.
Then moments later, no longer blocked by the region wide block on number of online hubs, one is onlined next door and new orders start being created.
What choice would you have as a trader, there would be trillions of isk worth of goods that would be needed to be moved one system over and relisted, imagine the ganking, imagine the scarcity that would be created, the chaos that would shake up existing stagnation.
Again i think CCP was too heavy handed with their solution, and should have thought of it a bit more, there is so much potential to keep the reputation of a realisitic and almost completely player driven market, while adding another subtle control mechanisim for them to tweek as needed.