You’re the same guy who demanded on another thread that PvP was only combat PvP…and who argued against there being any other kind of PvP. You change your spots every 5 minutes…depending on which way the wind is blowing. Doesn’t matter how many times you contradict yourself, as long as you can spin some temporary narrative in which you are ‘right’.
that’s exactly what you came here to do, in a thread about educating new players.
I understand you feel quite passionate about changing the game to your personal views. I strongly suggest you make your own soapbox thread with your favorite topic, and you may rest assured that it will stay on topic.
Tell us about how you helped new players, how that could be improved, or even implemented into the game ? The thread is not about you educating ccp or banging drums at them to change the game.
Let’s be brief and to the point. So the answer to the question about your personal contributions to new player education is “nothing in game” ? And you have no views on how to educate new players “in game” ?
Will you please talk to @Dracvlad about that? He’s been calling them “ganker shrills” forever and refused to acknowledge he just had the wrong word. Thank you for using the correct word.
Fact is, some people are a rage quit just waiting to happen. If it’s not one reason, it will be another. You rattle on as if ganking were THE major bottleneck , when it is far from being the only one and is certainly not one of the major ones.
Eve is a hard game to get to grips with, and for all noobs there comes the realisation that it will take time. A lot of time. Those who join Eve expecting to rule the entire universe within a week are no doubt sorely disappointed to find they can barely rule a crappy mining Venture within that time.
Then there’s the steep learning curve, and actually being bothered and incentivised to go for it. Could being ganked be the ‘last straw’ ? Possibly…but if it is then that person has already failed at Eve, because Eve requires a level of motivation that won’t be put off by a single trivial noob ship loss.
That is the point you keep missing. Eve is a test. Most of what you are being tested for…you have to have before you ever even sign up. If you don’t have it on first undocking…it is already too late to acquire it.
Oh gawd…seriously ? You’re so desperate for a contrived metaphor that you have to bring smoking into it ?
If it was a major contributor then you’d have the evidence to support that claim. Instead you rather deceptively tried to argue that because the griefer vs ganker presentation presented each as half the screen therefore each was half the problem. In fact, nothing in the presentation related ‘how much’ portion each was.
Every form of entertainment in the manner of a game has specific rules and requirements and level of mastery to play. I gave up on the new Doom ( the only game I have ever given up on ) because I found the playstyle to damned awkward. I did not write to the developer and ask them to make the game easier for me. Not every game is for everyone. I excel at Skyrim, and in strategy games like Rome : Total War. But you don’t want to board a plane with me on Flight Sim.
A lot of Eve noobs are simply going to fall away quite naturally. Being ganked early on is a great test of resolve…in a game that is ultimately all about survival.
Not hurling the PC out of the window over the loss of 2 pence worth of Venture is a good trait to have.
Call it what you will, it’s there, and it’s quite different from other games, whatever Lucas says.
So the topic of this thread is about shaving off some of the sharp edges of that learning curve, something he denies even exist.
Again and again you deviously use post hoc ‘reasoning’. In any logical argument you have to establish that ‘A’ is actually true before you can argue ‘A therefore B’.
See, this is where you excel at what is known as Kettle Logic. Constant use of mutually contradictory arguments. One minute, Eve is so deperately hard for noobs and the merest gank is driving them off…then the next minute Eve is so easy a 5 year old could play it in their sleep, in which case avoiding being ganked is really easy.
Kettle logic (la logique du chaudronin the original French) is a rhetorical device wherein one uses multiple arguments to defend a point, but the arguments are inconsistent with each other.
No…I am far from being the only person to have pointed out the sheer extent and frequency with which you contradict yourself. There are numerous examples, pointed out by quite a few others as well.
Carl Sagan famously coined the phrase ‘belief, in search of evidence’. It is where a person has already made up their mind that a particular thing is true, and they gather together all manner of often contradictory ‘evidence’ for it. They are often the last person to see just how contradictory all their ‘supporting’ stances are.
The thread has run its course so now it’s time to close…
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