How can we best educate new players?

Rubbish, getting ganked got me hooked on EVE. It gets better every time.

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Funny that. What got me hooked is the sanbox and the original sci-fi theme but, hey, to each their own.

Not quite “hooked”, more that I’ve been here pretty much forever and it’d be a shame to leave rather than be here until the end.

Whether you accept it or not ganking does have a negative impact on player retention. I get that its your easy carebear gameplay and so you don’t actually want it balanced but the failure to do anything about ganking while a tiny group of plyers causes increasingly negative views of the game is a fundamental flaw in CCPs decision making process.

:rofl: :rofl: It’s always funny when you hand gankers any hook and they immediately pounce on it. How about my well being remains my issue, you guys clearly have far bigger issues to deal with.

Gaking them early is doing them a favour, saving them money as this is a PVP game. Final Fantasy 14 is thataway-------------------------->


I find solo new players seem to suffer the most, we train our new player to get used to losing ships and when we lose ships we talk people out of there anguish

Being a “PvP game” does not mean that combat PvP is always there. It just means that every aspect of the game is competitive or cooperative in some way.

Amusingly ganking isn’t even really a combat PvP playstyle, it’s pretty much PvE since you’re only actually racing the concord mechanics.

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Had the opposite effect, made me train for REVENGE.


I can easily understand that.

I cannot accept or deny it: not enough empirical evidence and CCP keeps data like gold so good luck on that argument.

?? I haven’t even ganked anyone - yet - how is it my “carebear gameplay” ??

I think the problem isn’t with ganking but your percetion of it and how it affects players.
I got ganked a couple days ago: I didn’t go cry to mommy nor did I insult the ganker. How is that so hard to do?

WOW!! You’re calling me a ganker??:smiley: I’m honored!
Hear that @Aiko_Danuja ? Now I’m just like you, the scourge of New Eden and I haven’t even shot down one ship! Man I’m good!!

Yep… you do hate gankers and ganking… You’re going to need professional help when it’s all said and done.

It was nice to share posts with you but at this time I do not think it is beneficial for me to keep reading your posts.
Do take care and get that gank-phobia taken care of, please.

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More like the Robin Hoods of New Eden, take from the rich and give to the poor (ourselves).

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Educating players is a priority if the rest of us don’t want New Eden dumbed down too much. (Not criticising, a product has to sell).

I have a top idea that is easy to implement.

‘Corp Flight Briefings’
A small extension to the old captain’s quarters, from where you use a panel to enter the ‘corp briefing room’ (by choosing a seat from a diagram, so your character is on rails the whole time he’s in the briefing room.) The only places characters can be is in a seat, or at the podium. Everyone can make gestures. The podium is a virtual screen (or 3D holo) with some basic pre-made stuff (ask Eve University) but it ALSO has the option to run a .ppt from outside the game.

Whaddya think?

She properly cant answer today, being a real princess she probably has other duties today😊


I think youve just found out, but anyone who disagrees with Scott there is a Ganker, regardless of whether we actually gank or not. The idea that someone who gankers target could be ok with them doing so is something that undermines the foundations of his argument.


Most likely busy ganking.

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So what IF it is? Is your ego that big that you can’t acknowledge when someone played well?
When I got ganked in my free Venture I didn’t start to hate on the ganker cause he got one up on me, wtf, that was MY problem to make sure I was safe!

Because you had the inside scoop on all the gankers and their intent… sounds plausible, lol.

It is kind of a sport and harassment only works when the one being harassed doesn’t take measure to counter it.
Those who refuse to be victims don’t complain about harassment, they do something about it.

I can only go by my experiences, unlike you who speak for ALL players. It’s just like generalities: they’re always false.

It’s no one’s fault they’re kids or handicapped, certainly no CCP’s fault or the gankers’. When they choose to play a game the responsibility of their shortcoming doesn’t fall on players or devs, it falls on whoever is supposed to watch them ( the kids ) or the person who accompanies the handicapped player. Throwing the responsibility on anyone else is a cop-out to make the argument stick.

Bad behavior isn’t acceptable, period.

Every time someone has a bad argument they add " for the good of the game - the good of the players - the good of the children"… You don’t know what’s good for the game so stop pretending you do.

Every character in the game is a player and a person so it’s easy to conflate on that point.

It’s a blog! And incidentally it’s funny as phuk! You’re saying gankers can’t have blogs now? What else can’t they have, besides the satisfaction of a tactic well played?

You know “most gankers”… I see.

You’re overthinking all that.
EVE is a PvP game, it means players will attack you, for whatever reason you can imagine it doesn’t matter, and it means YOU have to be alert and know your ship will explode at some point.
No need to make a drama about it. It’s a game.

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Statements are a dime a dozen. No data: it didn’t happen.

The foundations of his argument is built on sand. It has no merit. He wants to assign malevolent intentions where they don’t fit. I mean wtf, the game is PvP and sandbox, who cares why someone does anything? Best care how they do it so you can avoid it next time and also use it for your own instead of having a heartbreak for a pixelated ship.

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which makes sense as

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Says he who knows nothing about ganking

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He knows nothing about ganking, but admitted to griefing newbs for salt in the Megathread.

This is a factual statement devoid of judgement.

Let me guess, now you’re going to say that ganking is easy…

That’s what I thought. :sweat_smile: It’s so easy that the miners can only cry about it instead of getting payback.

Discussed by gankers who state that their only goal is gank players to collect tears… I don’t think so. They might say it only because it’s funny, and it is when the one getting ganked acts like a 5yo.

Bad behavior isn’t dependent on someone’s actions or words unless it’s Life or Death. Gankers only the play the game as it’s supposed to be played. Some players shoot at rocks, other players like to shoot at ships, it’s a choice that the sandbox gives. It’s not a conspiracy to make players cry.

If you cannot even acknowledge that generalities are always false then we’re both wasting our time in this theead.

There is: Narrative.
That tells me you are not willing to even look at the other side. Your brain is stuck on the same record skipping on “gankers griefing” over and over until you yourself believe it.
Well, if it pleases you to be frustrated with the REALITY of what EVE is who am I to change that.

So before each gank the gankers needs to send a private message with the disclaimer: " Dude, I’m only attacking your game character, cool?" :rofl:

Who cares what they intent if you don’t let it bother you?
Right now some ganker is reading your posts and having the time of his life… because I know I am.

Are you getting mad? :rofl: Don’t be mad, I’m not your enemy, I’m just posting what I feel and think… Unless that too is griefing in your book?

Do you take pills for paranoia? I’m not downing on people who need them but you may need them as well. You’re full of conspiracy theories.

So far It’s YOU I see lobbing personal attacks. Hell, you’re attacking me calling me a “shill alt” just because I disagree with you so stop it with the victim act.

“Equitable” can be understood in many ways. It doesn’t mean you’ll like the results and again, statements are a dime a dozen.

So a blog is harassment ? WOW. Good thing you’re not in charge of anything, It’d be a tyranny within 2 months.

I agree, except that ganking is not griefing.

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