How can we best educate new players?

Educate a new player by showing that you can always disagree and tell them that ganking is good for the game.

Dont recall the exact details, but had a new player bitching about something in rookie help. Several tried to help him, i tried a private chat to help him, he declined and blocked me. Some just dont want help

The NPE should be they undock, told to make a jump and then smartbombed on a gate before they load in. They receive a crate of fireworks and a launcher.

NPE ends.

Eve should have something for noobs akin to the old paperclip advice thingy that used to appear on Word documents. Something that would come up with appropriate ’ Did you know that
?’ comments at suitable moments. This feature could cover all sorts of things. It could establish when a noob is mining and offer advice on safety. It could offer fitting advice. And so on.

Obviously this ̶a̶n̶n̶o̶y̶i̶n̶g̶ useful feature could be turned off after a certain point
or even right away in the case of new Alpha or Omega accounts of existing players.

I am very curious about people like that, even if someone can make way more ISK and get all the ISK back in no time, the person should get revenge regardless
 should kill and steal.

Everybody who is not my alt has to die or be robbed, if those victims grow too much they become those arrogant whales talking down on everybody else!

They will only become an arrogant whale if we let them, that will be our fault
 they are completely balless and can only become powerful by their compulsive disorder of hoarding.

Sounds to me like these are exactly the kind of players who are unsuited to the game, and its for the best that they leave.

We only want to play with nice respectable people here, not pottymouths like Scott.

But I do think it’s ignorance and lack of understanding that creates the anger, aggression and pottymouth effect.
It’s the same thing that Aiko mines in why was I ganked.

Twilight Zone - A Small Talent For War - YouTube

The NPE should train players to be wolves instead of sheep. A wolf in sheep’s clothing can still mine and survive.

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In reality don’t we need all and every type of player

Off players? You mean you don’t want diversity in the game? You don’t want players being prepped for what’s actually out there? :roll_eyes:

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In many cases that could be true.

But I see people all the time do it in RL because they cannot accept they are wrong (or outplayed in this case).

Accepting that you are not the most important person in the world is a skill many people have lost. It can be regained, but not by people who stamp their feet and rage because they didnt auto win a videogame, argument, queue in a store etc etc

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Sure, assuming you’re OK with PA inevitably pulling the plug as EVE fails to sustain numbers that are worth keeping the game running.

I have a feeling that you’d love that, so you could point the finger at all those ganker meanies and go “See?! It’s their fault for griefing players!”
I think you’re going to have to wait a long time to rub everyone’s noses in it. The pessimist in me says EVE has at least another 10 years to go.

It’s more that I’d love it because CCP have been making poor choice after poor choice but I’ve been playing the game too long to give up on it entirely. When EVE finally dies I’m free, so gankers should continue ganking new players at unprecedented rates.

Hm, should we also teach the nublets healthy life balance and that they can walk away from a vidya game any time as a grown adult?

I think its a good lesson :smiley:

They are already getting an education, at the school of hard knocks.

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Imagine loving a game so much but hating a specific gameplay element so much that one would cheer on the game’s total death if it meant that specific gameplay element was gone. Talk about cutting off the face to spite the nose.

Some of these grown adults are 12. Yes that’s right, you just got ganked by a 12 year old in a catalyst.

Yeah, it must sucks to love a game but despise its developers. Looks like you don’t want to make the choice to quit - you’re hooked despite yourself - and need a good reason to ( besides the ones that make you despise PA ) so you use ganking as a black sheep because no one loves to be ganked, even though you do understand it’s part of the game.

You can set yourself free, no need to wait for EVE to die, it will be a long while before it does, I figure another 10 - 15 years if not more.
It’s obviously troubling you. Make the first step into your well-being and uninstall for good. You’ll then see that coming on this forum is futile for you and you will be free.
But I have the feeling you’re enjoying yourself on the forum for lack of enjoyment in-game.

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