Actually they reimbusre ganked ships a lot. I thiought it was just newbies but I’ve seen even veterans with fairly sizable losses get reimbursement too.
Imagine crying to daddy CCP cause you lost a ship and it was your fault.
We def gotta teach the nublets better than this!
So he’s privvy to CCP emails now.
He’s such a liar lol
Just a quick question:
Why would a veteran player claim or receive reimbursement following a gank executed in line with the current practice?
Well a vet would claim, because why wouldn’t you? The worst they can do is say no so it’s worth a crack. I think they reimburse because it aids with retention. With rules on not publishing ticket responses it’s fairly safe too. ganker gets a gank, gankee gets a ship back, everyone’s happy.
Nope, just privvy to what other people share with me.
I thought you blocked me.
Thanks, Lucas, that’s interesting. Apart from being a new player, what possible grounds could there be for making such a claim? I’m flummoxed. Perhaps you could ask your informants (anonymously, of course - though you should expect a bit of flak for that in this sub-forum…; nothing you can’t deal with!).
If it helps with retention (of both new and older players), why isn’t it more generally available? I’ve certainly seen people claim that ganking in Highsec is driving players away from the game. This would seem to be the ideal solution, as you imply - Win-Win!
I doubt whether it would stop the whining, though. It’s probable that many ganked vessels are quickly replaced anyway.
No, it isn’t the ship but the perceived affront which causes much of the fury. Reimbursement will ameliorate that reaction, but it may also produce a burst of triumphalism, which will last only until CCP declines to reimburse a particular loss (because the rules don’t seem clear) - and then the froth will certainly fly!
This is a policy of which all New Players should be made aware, at the earliest stage. It should definitely be part of their education.
I’m pretty sure they just raised tickets along the lines of “I lost my ship to a gank and that’s rubbish” and they got back the ship and fitting minus whatever dropped in the wreck. From what I can tell the age of the player doesn’t come into it. From what I can tell the only thing that really plays into it is whether or not you’ve had more that X reimbursements over Y timeframe.
That’s just CCP all over though, right? Like if you gank someone and they lose a critical mission item, the system doesn’t automatically recreate the item for you, you have to raise a ticket and have a GM spawn it.
I’m sure that’s the case in the people that are able to be baited into responses but for most people it’s just negative progress that they have to recover and it’s the willingness to play through that recovery that impacts their choices. A new player losing most of their net worth and looking at a couple of weeks solid grinding to get back is less likely to stick with it, but even older players might just move on if losses are severe enough.
Yep absolutely, and I always encourage them to do so. In EVE Echoes its very much baked into the system (I think you can reimburse pretty much any loss as long as it wasn’t in a fleet battle).
So making sure the nublets know loss is part of the game, and how shameful is to cry to daddy CCP after getting outplayed is.
Got it
If that’s how you need to see it, sure.
Oh no it is factual. Surely the nublets need to be educated that if they are ganked, it is legitimate and they must learn to avoid it by using counterplay, as all the veterans know.
Again, if that’s what you need to tell yourself, you do you.
I’m glad you agree it’s the truth
I’m happy for you that you’ve finally accepted the facts of EVE.
You should be proud!
I think the crux of the issue for a lot of people is: Eve Online is a game where each player has to figure out for themselves how they are going to engage in a universe where both the game and the devs are aloof and ambivalent to their own needs. How to thrive in it.
Some people walk away, some try to deny the reality as long as possible, others just take the universe as it is today and run with it.
I think a lot of criticisms from eve stem from the first two groups – which are, respectively, player count criticisms, and salt/griefing allegations. I indeed think it is important to teach newbies that neither the universe nor CCP is there to make sure they have a good time. That includes not relying on reimbursement policies nor trying to goad CCP employees/volunteers to do their bidding. Players have to take charge of their own good times for themselves.
Yes, 100 percent to agree.
Especially after they lose a ship.
It’s literally their primary job. You understand the EVE is a video game and is designed to entertain people, right?
All those points would be an excellent part of the NPE.
A significant problem is that gamers today have so much choice of what to do with leisure time (not just games but smartphone, streaming video, social media, youtube etc.) that they are less willing to devote time to “learning the ropes” on any new product. If it doesn’t grab them in 30 minutes or less they’re generally off to the next thing.
Rather than ‘change the NPE’ to add more to it (many people already skip it and the career agents, as silly as that seems to most vets), I think the NPE needs to be changed to more of a buffet style. There should be the “intro” NPE that gets things rolling (and I agree that intro should not extol mining as the ‘road to riches’) and then a “Further adventures” NPE section that you choose from an area: Skill Training, Getting Paid, Fitting Ships, Growing Together, Exploring the Galaxy, and Staying Alive - Or Not.
These should be “topic” trainers rather than ‘Career’ oriented since Career has it’s own paths. They should have a short and punchy video watchable in-game explaining the value of this section. Then it would lead them to a set of agents with missions and tasks that essentially walk them through your points 1-7. There should be a couple more (skippable) short, interesting videos along the way.
(As an aside, each faction should also have a “Loyalty to the faction, Death to our enemies” intro that provides some emotional hook to the chosen faction.)
Yes this would require significant work on CCP’s part. They’ve in fact already done that much work and more, and thrown it all away and started over again - simply because none of the decision makers at CCP have even half a clue what their own game needs to be successful.
Why would we want to help? Just kill them.
There it is and it’s the best solution I can think of as well.
If they can’t handle the game and its rules they ought to quit.
But…but… Hilmar’s income? Isnt that the most important thing?
He was in local whining, ask why was I killed, I opened up a chat to offer help and it was like I killed him, he didn’t want help he just wanted his isk back.
I got the gankers loot I offered that to him for the kr but no he stormed off, why play a game if you don’t want to play a part of it.
Even he need to learn it can happen and that’s the point of this thread, I know your out look, kill them all and yes sometimes your right