How did we reach the Moon thru the Van Allen Radiation Belt?

Edit this is called sarcasm for the hard of understanding.


Don’t tell Reime, bros full of conspiracy theories. I’m sure he was abducted to 1 them black sites.
Probes n all.:grinning:

What budget?

Got to love how these conspiracy theorists think that governments are so incredibly competent that they can keep this kind of thing ‘secret’, but also inept enough to allow out the ‘evidence’ which they base their theories on.

If the Russians could have discredited the moon landings, at the time it happened, they would have. Or tried to at least. It was all about national pride. Not the science.

Oh, and that Buzz Aldrin tweet thing?

And that Xenon thing? Funny how the source on that is NASA. You’d think they’d keep quiet about it if they were in the business of fakes and cover ups.

Did you know there are people who think volcanos are being faked?



Btw selling Mind Control Beam Proof™ tin foil hats, only 1 bil ISK a piece. :smirk:

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Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic ~ Arthur C Clarke

Any sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology ~ Terry Pratchett

Any technology, no matter how primitive, is magic to those who don’t understand it ~ Florence Ambrose

More to the point regarding the premise of this thread.
Any sufficiently advanced troll is indistinguishable from a genuine kook or the viewpoints of even the most extreme crank are indistinguishable from sufficiently advanced satire ~ Variant of Poe’s Law


I still find it hard to believe there are people who don’t believe in the moon.

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Don’t you be scarin all tha big fish now, only caught me 1 remefish todays. (Didn’t needs ta noodle, entagled his-self on his own accounts.)


(gunna add that Pohes law variant to ma repertoires, hopes u aint got it copyrighted. You can keeps that rock-spider Clarke. ):smirk:

The lizard people copyrighted it 500 thousand years ago on their home planet so you have to pay royalties every time you use it. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I didn’t say that

I still find hard to believe there are people who believe in the moon.

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Judging by many posts I see, I still find it hard to believe there are people.


Says the CSM member, Steve Ronuken

Why do I feel like the OP is one of them that believes the earth is flat.

People that believe we walked on the moon are the same retarded or corrupt folks who think 2 planes brought down 2 skyscrapers

So what do you think that not-the-sun thing in the sky is?


it’s obviously the secret base nasa is working from, duh !


Oh yeah.

Good point.

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If you think the government or some secret agency is behind all this why do you think they let you post such things in the open?

Why are they not already on to you?