How do Capsuleers Use the Bathroom like in ship?

There are trillions of mouths to feed in New Eden. Nothing is wasted, mmk?

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“Eat recycled food, it is good for the environment and okay for you!”-Food cart robot (Judge Dredd)


There’s a Soylent Green reference in the comics, burial is reserved for the very rich, everybody else goes to Resyk where they’re broken down for their raw materials, which get used to manufacture other stuff, including food.


Common, why are so many topics like this?
DEVs, pls, create another portal, on this forum, for such themes.

That’s why more and more males prefer to create female capsuleer avatars…

But, no jokes…

Anyway, your BringBackOurCQ protest vs CCP’s decision is escalating into nightmare alien thriller.

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What, a section called “crappy topics”, or something, then?

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A few ways…

  1. your clones no longer need to do that function. As we technically never leave a pod. That clone my not need to eat, drink, or expend waste.

  2. If it does need to expend waste, then you would be connected with tubing, like a cathitor and something int he rectum that eliminates the waste. you would then ingest the fluid you float in, like a fetus does.

  3. and this is gross, you pee and poop into the fluid you are floating it. The pod would them be equipped with a powerful filter that would eliminate the waste quickly.

But tbh, no idea

IDK, Space Barbie Portal or something like that.

More like space technology portal.

In this old capsuleer artwork, you can see that capsuleer is in a suit with tubes all over and he have something inserted into nostrils, I think its for breathing.

Its rather thick around the waist, so maybe its space diaper or those suction panties, that would pump away the waste.


It’s the best answer if talking about space travelling and colonization.

I’ll choose you the CEO for Mission to Mars, planned after 2020… :roll_eyes:



Pod goo made all by yourself!
At least you know what you are swimming in…


Please speak in a voice respectful of the deceased when you say “space barbies” mmkk? :wink:


I believe we eject the poop out into space for a gate camp to pick up after they kill us, as a trophy ofc :stuck_out_tongue:


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I think the catchphrase “Know your sh*t” got a whole new meaning by now.

So capsulers just fill up the pod … ?? :scream:

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There are probably several methods out there to deal with the problem of getting the waste away from the capsuleer and providing the nutrients, air, etc. it needs to keep the body alive.

For me that image shows an early stage of that technology, used for short periods of time.

The pod goo isn’t just there to pee in it. During acc- and deceleration, there are heavy g-forces in play. By breathing air the chest will be compressed so the capsuleer can’t breath. A non-compressable fluid, which also serves as oxygen source is way more suited to deal with that. Also there are fluids you can “breath”.

With the right nutrients the waste the body is producing can be reduced to a minimum, so that there is no need to poop. Urine itself is sterile, directly filtered by the kidneys out of the blood, so that shouldn’t be a problem either.

Using the pod goo itself as oxygen and nutrient source and to carry away the waste materials like carbon dioxide, bacteria, or skin scales for example, it functions somewhere between artificial blood and amniotic fluid.

Here the task of the pods life support system is to filter the goo constantly through membranes. Taking away harmful substances and adding vital elements. Checking ph-levels, salinity, temperature etc.

An other advantage here is, that capsuleers who aren’t already in their capsules, are faster ready for action without the need to get into a bodysuit first.


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On a related note Chris Hadfield did an AMA on reddit, it turns out that flatulence is not a viable means of propulsion in a zero-g environment because humans lack a suitably formed propulsion nozzle.


Where do you think Blue Ice belts come from?