How do I prevent my orca getting ganked?

:reversecongaparrot: :reversecongaparrot: :reversecongaparrot: :congaparrot: :congaparrot: :congaparrot: :reversecongaparrot: :reversecongaparrot: :reversecongaparrot: :congaparrot: :congaparrot: :congaparrot: :reversecongaparrot: :reversecongaparrot: :reversecongaparrot: :congaparrot: :congaparrot: :congaparrot: :reversecongaparrot: :reversecongaparrot: :reversecongaparrot: :congaparrot: :congaparrot: :congaparrot:

How the heck do you guys keep getting baited by @Donald_J_Spock ?

I don’t want him to feel bad :smiley:

Although the more hyperbolic stuff is just crazy haha.

That’s a banger OMG

All this talk just made me plex one more account… or two?

If you’re aligned but not moving, you need time to get up to 75% speed. That’s not so instant any more. Still MUCH faster than you’d warp out without aligning first, of course, but it’s worth considering all the relevant data here.


Less than 10 seconds from orca not moving to warping whale…shirley that is fine…

Just a thought. Petition for a high sec dps damage cap much like medium upwell structures

10k damage cap means your ■■■■ fits still going to die

Reasonable tank you survive

Obviously multiple bomber runs could get round this but adds a little bit more challenge

I know that you know, but for newer players who might be reading this remember if you are aligned, and not moving at all, like 0.0, then you are not aligned. At that point the game treats you as a single point, not a vector. You have to have some movement for the game to treat you as ‘aligned’.


I didn’t actually, I’ve done a bit of research but I’m still one of the new ones. Thanks for the extra info, it’ll be useful for me in future, and hopefully helpful to others too.

That would be swell to the point until when Orca regional market prices drop so low it will push other industrial hulls out of the requirement list for Highsec.

Orca’s have too much tank as it is, we can’t make them into some ungankable highsec hauler.

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" aligned" in EVE usually means travelling in a straight line towards a potential warp destination at 75% or more of your ship’s maximum speed . When a ship is already aligned, it can warp near-instantly on command along its line of alignment"

Also I suggest using the cloak /mwd trick when your orca is travelling between systems, which will keep you hidden until at warp speed and warp within 10 seconds between gates

Honestly forget mining in highsec. Join a null corp. Better moons better ore and safer too.

Show me the tool with enough range that you can stay travelling at 75% speed or higher in a straight line without getting out of mining range of your target asteroid while filling your hold? You can be “aligned” minus the speed and be in position to jump out MUCH faster than without the pre-alignment while not having to worry about the fact that you’re running from the location you’re working at.

That’s not how EVE works, even though it seems to make sense. The game engine sees your ship as a point (or sphere rather), a point can have a speed and a direction it’s moving in to but it has no visual representation of what direction it’s “aimed” at since it doesn’t have any features: it’s just a point/sphere.

The graphics engine look at your point/sphere’s movement (if any) and tries to make it look cool and “make sense” but it’s simply just trying to interpret what the game engine is telling it is going on. The graphics engine has no impact on the game engine and thus also not on the game mechanics.

So being aligned to warp is about the speed your ship is doing and doing so in the general direction of where you want to warp to. What your ship looks like, how it’s oriented or whatever has zero impact on it. which thus means that when sitting still it doesn’t matter what direction your ship hull is facing when you’re trying to get in to warp.

EVE is an RTS, not a spaceship sim.


We use them too but I’m sure we picked slasher because it’ easier to get lock speed up, and we also boost our warp speed to land 1st on a Chase

Well said!
EVE is a RTS in which the player controls one ship, unless alts.

Why are you even fighting back people’s arguments?

I can see the slasher has what what it takes to be a learning hull, it’s fast, it has scan res, people will become experienced in the mechanics and dynamics of this kind of pvp, such hulls allow people to become better pilots because this hull let’s you chase and always be on grid with their locks full.

Nobody pointed that you are running an antiganking school and not even you pointed it out, I could see it’s a school it just because the hulls, it’s a good hull for a piloting school.

If they were running a school, they’d be called “New Eden Police Academy” and not “New Eden Police Force.”

Something like 90% of their activity is popping ganker pods, and another 9% is them talking smack about it in local. Once every 6 months, they’ll take a T1 frigate gang to low-sec for “training” and gang-bang some random newbie killing belt rats or running an anomaly.


Join a null sec unit, move to null, mine in null.

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Although I’ve seen some unofficial claims of 20 days, Eve University says minimum train time for an Orca even using +3 implants is 29 days. So effectively, anyone flying an Orca even in Hek is likely to be outside the 30 day ‘noob’ period anyway.

But more to the point, if any noob really is making 2bn ISK in under a month to be able to buy and fit an Orca in the first place…they don’t really seem like one of those people who’d be unable to bootstrap themselves back into the game on losing it !

( Worth adding that the combined cost of my Apocalypse, Raven, Drekavac, Praxis, Phantasm, Hecate, 9 different Gnosis, and a host of smaller ships, is less than 2bn ).

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Why don’t you use a needlejack filament to escape with your Orca?

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