How do I prevent my orca getting ganked?

No, that was HateLesS


Of course itā€™s not griefing, itā€™s part of the game but itā€™s the reason why he killed so many orcas, a fact that he admits.

And why this thread started and how to survive a gank we need to understand why so many explode. Which leads back to Hawk spending billions to do it.

We canā€™t afford to send so many people to prison, thereā€™s just not enough space.

If you are aligned, when you hit the warp button , you insta warp. How much faster do you want?

But more importantly, Is your mining permit up to date?


Then just chop both their hands off then. Thatā€™ll learn them and make it harder to grief the poor, defenseless, lazy, incompetent, loser scrub carebears.

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Hey look, the rando alt is back :smiley:

I keep trying to give them better fits :frowning:

He is tho :smiley:

I LOLed :smiley:

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Any suggestions?

This method prevents orca ganks.


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Someone doesnā€™t understand ToS and EULAā€™s :smiley:

Iā€™m guessing you also donā€™t understand the 1st either :smiley:

Let us know how it goes with the lawsuit :smiley:

Can you imagine trying to explain to a judge? ROFL.

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I gank for Hateless.

Every gank shows my support!


You canā€™t be serious

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Fastest case dismissal any % speedrun (glitchless) (no hacks)

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I had a kuson gank fleet land on me in a 0.5, luckily I was moving and I did not fire back, I slowly drifted out of there effective range as logi repped me. Iā€™m sure that would be the same for an orca

How to not die in an Orca, 101;
Read the ships description.

The Orca is a mining support ship, classified as an Industrial Command Ship.

It would appear that, if you do not have a succifent amount of players to warrent the use, and protection of, an orca; that you should not be using an orca.

Thank you for coming to my Tedtalk.


Yennoe, itā€™d be more effective if you toned the hyperbole down :smiley:

The trolling doesnā€™t hit the same if itā€™s just ridiculous :smiley:


Wrong game, try


Oof. Yennoe the slander without proof also doesnā€™t work.

Someimes I wonder if you actually believe this or just trolling.

To be frank, if you do actually believe it, well that is terrifying :smiley:


Serious accusation there

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Maybe you can answer then, for our fast tackle thatā€™s alpha friendly which ship. Dps is on hand if need be.

Atron son :smiley:

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Iā€™m guessing she burst his bubble