How do you define ganking, pvp and trolling

He’s not in the forums because he’s actually playing the game.

Not everyone can multitask like me.

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Not on the forums means he wants to be off my radar. No wonder he never got my votes.

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I think he is cloaked.


:rofl: Good one!


serious question are you inportant in the genral swing of eve poltiticls cause why would someon want to stay off your radar

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MB is considered a bellweather player, and his views often influence the plebian caste.


wow really

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She said so, so it must be true!

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Yes, my alliance has identified 150 movers and shakers who often reflect leading trends and developments across Highsec and the wastelands beyond. These individuals have been appointed to my personal CSM, and MB is certainly on that list as a distinguished representative of The 0rphanage.

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At last I found a home!

It is to weep…


The exchange between Aiko and I is the true spirit of the game.

It is a shame that same spirit drove the game to 50/60k, now to be wasted by CCP.

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One day CCP will notice that I am the most upvoted and liked person in the forums, and they will note that people I hunt pay me billions of isk with the explicit agreement that I continue to hunt and kill them, and on that day CCP will invite me to hold court at Oxford, as we attend a conference in Exeter where various panels will discuss game theory as it applies to player versus player emergent content. This will be very interesting and engaging, and CCP will pay for everything at great expense.

@CCP_Swift Afterward, we are gonna do a whole crawl thing with absinthe, and together we will celebrate the return of wardecs, suspect baiting, can flipping, and musical rooms. 11 Best Oxford Pubs - Historic Inns, Quirky Taverns And Famous Spots - Insider's Oxford We will finish our evening with a rousing performance of The Life of St. Olga, written and directed by myself. Finally, HIlmar will present me with my engraved ōdachi, and I will travel to Reykjavik in triumph, revealing the Aiko statue which will stand above the harbor for eighty thousand years. Unfortunately, one of my descendants will destroy it in a fit of jealousy.

This was all prophesized and foreseen by me, just now in Uedama. I saw it in a killmail, which for some strange reason is not allowed content in this forum. I’m not discussing that though, I would never discuss moderation. I merely want to tell everyone if you ever get to London, you would be a fool to not get on that train to Oxford. It’s like a medieval Ibiza, and if you are reading this, you know that I definitely know what I’m talking about.

This is canon lore.

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I’m in.


A recommendation for my friends.

A stronger recommendation (what if the monsters are Highsec gankers?)

I paid for a ride on a B 17 years ago. 1st flight in the morning into the east off the FL coast. I was standing in the top turret when we passed over the coast. The chill that went up my spine that time was far more real than the game.


Aiko is both liked in forums and in highsec :smiley:


Lol time well spent

And just because you write that doesn’t make it so.

Rude! #SaveMike

Yes. @Wes_Wyhunnan with many others have understood the movements Ideological principles and beliefs.
@milkyway_miner you can read about our movement from here. We’ll assure you that it will change your view on high-sovernity content forever. Hope you’ll find peace. #SaveMike